
Tuesday, September 16, 2014


What do you do when you love the food and the company and even some of the games but not so much the cold? Wimpgate, of course.

AKA: Tailgating for sissies (and proud of it).

I’m not a sports fan but I AM a team fan. Where my family will watch most any sport any time, I only watch if one of MY teams is playing.

Now I’m not going to tell you that I haven’t tailgated before. I have, just not often. I attended a college game or two but just between you and I? I slept through most of the games. I mean, Saturday morning? Bad timing, dude. Friday nights (which lasted until Saturday morning) were busy times. And Saturday morning (which lasted until Saturday afternoon, and sometimes even evening) were for sleeping.

I’ve been to a few Pro games too, but early in the season. There’s the whole “standing outside eating in the freezing cold” thing that I just don’t get. Once my nose goes numb, my ears burn and my eyes are tearing, I’m out. The only time I want to be outside in the cold is when I’m skiing down a mountain.

Wimp, I know.

WimpGating | | #humor #tailgating

I do have a lot of really fun tailgating memories. There’s an outdoor amphitheater back home that had the best concerts throughout the summer. I went quite a bit. Now that’s a situation just screaming for tailgating, a warm summer evening being the key factor.

BUT, the other aspects of tailgating have me hooked: the food and the party. And now that I have boys in college, I have more teams to call “mine”.

Raspberry Glazed Steak Rollups with Lemon Yogurt Sauce |
Raspberry Glazed Steak Rollups with Lemon Yogurt Sauce

So bring on the weekends; the games, the food and the fun. I’ve developed some recipes that are perfect for both tailgating and wimpgating, starting with this one for my Raspberry Glazed Steak Rollups with Lemon Yogurt Sauce.

Raspberry Glazed Steak Rollups with Lemon Yogurt Sauce |
Raspberry Glazed Steak Rollups with Lemon Yogurt Sauce
finished sandwich

And if my guests want the real feel of tailgating? I’d be more than happy to send them out to the driveway to eat. I’ll be here on the couch, tv on and fire roaring in the fireplace, scanning the fans in the bleachers for a glimpse of my boys. Wonder what they’re eating . . .

And for those of you hearty people who are actually tailgating and enjoy a fun project, check out this Tote Bag Tutorial by my friend Stacy Sews and Schools. I may need to talk to her about her team choices, but I do love her work:

Tote Bag Tutorial | on

Go Pats!
Boiler Up!
Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Raspberry Glazed Steak Rollups with Lemon Yogurt Sauce
Printable Recipe
2# flank steak
1 cup seedless raspberry jam
1 TBSP raspberry flavored hard lemonade
1 tsp minced garlic
2 TBSP soy sauce

1 cup Lemon flavored Greek Yogurt
3 TBSP honey
1/2 tsp lemon zest

8 tortillas
OPT garnishes: I chose shaved carrots and roasted red pepper
*In a microwave safe bowl, heat the raspberry jam for 1 minute. Whisk in the hard lemonade, garlic and soy sauce. Set aside to cool.
*Slice the flank steak, against the grain, into thin slices. Place into a gallon sized re-sealable bag.
*Pour the sauce into the bag and manipulate to be sure all of the meat is coated. Place in fridge for a few hours up to a day. Turn the bag every now and then.
NOTE: An optional way to cook this without skewers is to place the flank steak into the gallon bag with the marinade without slicing it. Cook the steak (it'll take more than 2 - 5 minutes per side) on the grill, let rest, slice and place into tortilla shells.

*Whisk the yogurt, honey and lemon zest and put into a container.
NOTE: I wash out empty ketchup bottles and save them for this purpose. I put the sauce in them and put them into a fridge or cooler, making it easy to drizzle the sauce.
*If you're using wood skewers, soak them in cold water for 2 hours. For tailgating you can place them into a re-sealable bag with water and place them in your cooler.
*Grease your grill grate with non-stick spray while the grill is still cold and turned off.
*Heat your grill to medium heat.
*Thread the meat onto skewers, if you're using this method.
*Grill the skewers for about 2 - 5 minutes, turn and grill another 2 - 5 minutes. Don't touch the skewer, carefully remove meat with a utensil.
*Place onto tortilla shells with your favorite garnish. Drizzle with the lemon yogurt sauce, roll up and slice to serve.


  1. Holy crap those look amazing. AMAZING!

    1. Thanks, they really were delicious. Next time I may make the steak for dinner and save the leftovers to make this rollup for lunch.

  2. Oh, my those look delicious! And I'm totally with you. I will watch. Just don't expect me to be uncomfortable while I do so . . .

  3. I have never been tailgating but I'm always up for a new experience. What you need is to go tailgating in the south. LOL It doesn't get cold until late December. ;)
    I love that recipe. If I had more talent I would definitely try it out. LOL Is it tangy??? YUMMMM!!!!
    SO SO SO GLAD we did these posts!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. Tailgating in the south, what a perfect solution.Wonder if the Patriots would mind relocating!

  4. I'm with you, not a big sports fan but love a good food party :) I'm not a fan of standing out in the freezing cold either, give me the comfy couch and a big screen, you see all the best plays, no crowds, no bathroom lines and on and on.
    Great job on the bag Stacy EXCEPT for the team choice , wink wink

  5. I love football and tailgating as long as it's my husband cooking from the backyard to eat on the couch in front of the TV and fireplace too! I don't like to freeze! That's my que to stay at home!

  6. I am not a sports fan. So no standing outside in the cold for me tailgating. To tell the truth I really don't get why people get so excited over sports.

  7. I'm with ya. Not a sports fan, but I'm a sports food fan. I enjoy making food for The Hubs while he's watching his games.

    1. Me too. I can be part of the fun but not necessarily sit through the entire game. Well, unless it's one of my teams, then I'm there watching too.

  8. We're huge sports fans here, but you already knew that. I love to be the "sofa" spectator, but you probably knew that too :) Mark would LOVE those roll ups. I'll have to ask them to make them for me this weekend.... Haha!!

  9. Hmm...I think I'm a wimpgater. I like the idea of going to a sporting event, but only if it's warm and comfy outside. Otherwise, I'll be in with you on the cozy couch watching it on TV! Have to make those steak roll ups - yum!


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