
Friday, April 2, 2021

Reentry. Ground Control to Major Mom.

Reentry. Ground Control to Major Mom | Graphic designed by and property of | #humor #MyGraphics
Ground control to major mom. 
Ground control to major mom. 
Take your estrogen pills and put your bra back on.
Ground control to major mom.
Commencing reentry, mask is on . . .
Reentry. The word is generally used if you're splashing down from space or leaving prison. Neither one applies to me, my reentry into society is from over a year long self imposed isolation (of the trying to stay alive type). And the countdown is on. 
On the "stay at home for an extended period of time" scale, I'm not as hard core as a hoarder, but I have become a bit of a hermit. And I've got to say, it's not all bad. Never thought I'd say that I'd miss isolation. But then, over the past year, staying home has become my new normal, it's only right that I've been able to adjust, find some tiny sliver of a silver lining here and there. 
Now there have been many (many, many) posts about the things I've missed while being stuck at home. I've talked about the added threat of being in a denier state, where it's every (wo)man for themselves. It's like the wild west here, lawless, with vigilantes roaming around meting out their own brand of justice against those of us who understand science. We of the "have mask will travel" bunch aren't safe, so it's stay home or literally risk your life.
{{sigh}}, but we've all seen and written them, ad nauseam, the "things I miss due to Covid" lists, on blogs, on social media, in private conversations, on the news . . . So today I'm talking about the opposite. Ten things I'll miss when I get fully vaccinated and can actually {{gasp}} leave the house. Well, if I can remember how to drive my car, that is. I may need lessons.
Here they are, ten things I'm actually going to miss on the occasion of my upcoming (hey, a not yet fully vaccinated girl can hope, right?) reentry:
1) Fifteen minute mornings. Shower. Lotion. Done. No straightening my curls, no make up, no contacts. Fifteen minutes . . . twenty minutes tops and I'm ready to hit the couch and start my day.
2) Embracing the mess. Who cares if there's blood splatter on my shirt (OK, it's just strawberries) or powdered sugar in the utensil drawer? Who's going to know that I turned on the beater too high and there's flour on the ceiling? No one. 'Cause that's who's been in my house (other than immediate family, who are . . . ahem . . . familiar with me).
Frozen Chocolate Strawberry Pie is a no bake dessert that can be prepared in minutes. Just freeze to set, garnish, and serve. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert
Frozen Chocolate Strawberry Pie

Frozen Chocolate Strawberry Pie is a no bake dessert that can be prepared in minutes. Just freeze to set, garnish, and serve. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert

3) Getting lost in a book with nothing to stop me from reading the whole thing in one day. 

4) No one coming to the door to sell . . . well . . . anything. Lawn care, pest control, window replacement, I'm sure they'll all be lining up in my driveway trying to separate me from my money again soon.
5) Binge watching, the absolute best way to watch any show.
6) All day snacking, a necessary enhancement to the joy of binge watching.
7) Having a built in, go-to, all occasion excuse for anything I don't want to do.
8) Social distancing. Truth is, I don't hate this whole "strangers need to stay 6 feet away from me in public" thing. 
9) Not putting on shoes, a bra, sometimes even pants. And so much less laundry accumulates too. Less detergent, less water, the benefits go on and on.
10) Spending every minute, 24/7, 365, with Hubs.
11) Naps. Anytime, anywhere, any (every) day, and twice on Sunday. Oh, how I'm going to miss naps.
Had to add an extra one. 'Cause that thing about regretting being unable to continue spending every minute of the day (all 1440 of them) with Hubs? Total lie.
Bottom line though, it's time to get back out there.
Ground control to major mom.
Commencing reentry, mask is on.
Social distance and may G-d's love be with you . . .

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Frozen Chocolate Strawberry Pie


Printable Recipe

1 1/2 cups chocolate graham cracker crumbs
1 tsp sugar
3 TBSP milk
 OPT: can use a store-bought Oreo pie crust, crimped tin foil edges pulled up
1 can evaporated milk (I used fat free)
1 1/4 cups milk (I used 1% milk)
2 packages (3 oz) strawberry or strawberry shake pudding mix
1/4 cup strawberry jam
1/2 cup chopped strawberries
1/2 cup chocolate graham cracker crumbs
OPT: serve garnished with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, strawberry syrup, and/or fresh strawberries
*Mix together 1 1/2 cups of the chocolate graham cracker crumbs, the sugar and 3 TBSP of the milk. Press into and partially up the sides of a 9 inch pie plate. Refrigerate.
*Whisk together the remaining 1 1/4 cups milk, evaporated milk, strawberry pudding mixes, and strawberry jam. Folk in the chopped strawberries and the remaining chocolate graham cracker crumbs.
*Pour into the crust. Refrigerate for 1 hour, then freeze at least 2 hours. When ready to serve, move to counter for 1/2 hour for easier slicing.
*OPT to serve: garnish with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, strawberry syrup, and/or fresh strawberries.


  1. I love all of the same things! We went back into the classroom full time in August, and I had very mixed feelings! I love my weekends to socially distance again!

    1. Makes you realize just how much time we'd spent in very close proximity to so many strangers, doesn't it.

  2. I have mixed feelings (or maybe it's PTSD), too. We took a trip an hour from the house last Wednesday and I was so anxious, including where I could use restrooms. And that's in a state with one of the strongest mask mandates. I can't imagine living in the "wild west" although it's not that far away (I won't name the state I'm thinking of). We are thinking of taking an overnight trip to a motel (family owned, 1950's style) we know is clean with all the precautions. But still. Just thinking of it. But we have to do this. As for the prospect of going back to the office, I'm happy my employer is cautious. I have to make that decision and fortunately, I'm already officially retired and just working part time. I truly hope they don't pressure me. I miss my co workers terribly but, at the same time, thinking of being in an elevator gives me the creeps. Alana

    1. I get all of that. My son goes back to work just one day a week next week with limited people per day, but I still wish he didn't have o until after he gets that second shot. I think there are quite a lot of us who have those PTSD feelings.

  3. As someone whose work never stopped, i know what you mean about it being scary out here. Our governor has loosened things some, but still says mask up and keep your distance. The number of people who just ignore that is growing every single day.

    Retirement is when i can look forward to staying home all day.

    1. I know you're being smart and being safe. I hope if you're able to get the vaccination, that you do.

  4. First of all, thanks for getting the Space Oddity song stuck in my head all day :-)

    I consider myself fortunate to have been able to get socially-distanced out and about for the past 12 months, but I've certainly had more time around the house. I will miss that when things go completely back to normal.

    1. I think it says a lot about us that we all found ways to adapt in the name of safety.

  5. Being house bound for more than a year, reentry may take longer. I am attached by hip to my recliner. Netflix has my favorite binge watching shows, although they took off West Wing.
    I actually started in April 2019 with a TIA and took myself off the road. On January 1, 2020, I jinxed the whole year by falling and breaking my wrist.
    So I had a head start on being a shut in so, being quarantined has not phased me. Well maybe a few things, like getting my nails done and my hair cut, but not being home.

    1. Yes, due to health reasons you've been home much longer than most of us. I'm so happy you have your family around, it makes a difference, I'm sure.

    2. Yes, I would not have survived.

  6. We have been leaving the house more and more because, frankly, we want to. Lol but always with the mask. Always! Now that I’m team fully vaccinated and Matthew is about to be as well, we will be open to doing more things, but still with the masks.

    1. I've gone out literally almost not at all, but once I'm at my optimal immunity, I can't wait to get out there. I'll continue to be cautious too.

  7. Those are the things you don't think about--people going door to sell things. lol

    1. Sadly, they're starting up again here. Now a few times a week I go to the door and have to say "where's your mask?"

  8. Brave, brave woman.
    I've had my first shot and still, I'm not sure if I'm ready. Having a 'shopping' Husby is both a blessing and a curse. He's totally happy to do all the shopping. And I'm totally happy to let him.
    But the trouble is, that doesn't get me out the door any time soon.

    1. I know, I'm not going anywhere until 2 weeks after my 2nd shot. Even then I'll be careful and will only do the errands I need to. I think we're all traumatized.


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