
Friday, October 23, 2015

Fly on the Wall: Picture This

Welcome to a monthly Fly on the Wall group post. Today 14 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house. At the end of my post you’ll find links to this month’s other participants’ posts.

Fly on the Wall | | #MyGraphics

I keep an eye on PurDude's checking account and saw a charge made by the USPS. That's weird, what could he be doing there?

A few days later I got a package from him. It wasn't ticking so I opened it. Inside was his frat formal class picture for 2014 - 2015.

And, PurDude being PurDude, there was a note. Written in pencil on notebook paper:

"Please do not hang this in a place where people will see it."

So instead of hanging it on my front door or the back window of my car, it's on the refrigerator.

That works, right?

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

Like his mom, PurDude doesn't like having his picture taken. I keep telling him he'll be sorry later in life if he doesn't have pictures from all he's done in his college years. 

When he's home, I can sneak some pictures in, but when he's away it's harder, of course. I do bug him when I call and when I text to send on some pictures of his activities, his friends, parties and the frat.

So I was pretty excited when he texted me a picture. Until I saw that it's the door to his room.

Fly on the Wall: picture this | | #humor #funny

Ah, the stuff that memories are made of . . . 

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

Speaking of pictures, PurDude had a large picture that he had inherited with his room in his frat. The frame was falling apart, and when he went to change rooms this year, he took the picture but had to throw the frame away. The picture is large and not a standard size so he couldn't find a frame locally. When I was talking to him on the phone earlier this month, he told me he'd ordered one through Amazon and he'd have it that day.

An hour later UPS delivered a large package to me. Ooops. 

I called PurDude, who said that he realized that Amazon had our home as his default address, but that he'd realized it immediately, called the vendor and, when the vendor assured him they could change the address on the order, gave them the address of his frat.

Guess that didn't happen. 

I told PurDude to call the vendor. They'd have to send me a pre-paid UPS sticker to send the package to him. Meanwhile, the big box sat in various spots in my kitchen, where I tripped over it regularly.

Five days later I texted PurDude: Did you ever hear back from the vendor?
PurDude: Yes, he refunded my money and told me just to re-order it to the right address.

I sat there fuming for a while thinking "when were you going to let me know this?" And then "what am I supposed to do with this big box in my kitchen?" when suddenly I heard the ding of another text.

PurDude: Happy Birthday, Mom. I got you a picture frame.

Smart ass.

  Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

On a Tuesday after a long weekend, I'm doing a load of laundry. I'm folding the clothes and something's not adding up.

Hubs' clothes: 3 pairs of shorts, 3 t-shirts, 3 pairs of underwear and 3 pairs of socks. 
OK, makes sense.

My clothes: 3 pairs of shorts, 3 shirts and 3 days worth of underwear.
OK, makes sense. 

College Boy's clothes: 3 pairs of jeans, 4 shirts, 2 pairs of underwear, 7 socks.
  Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

 And while we're on the topics of pictures and of laundry, I did finally get a few pictures of PurDude's room. This must be a guy thing because I'm no interior designer, but I do know where to store items in the home, what should and should not be out in the open. What's in those pictures? Well, a nice decorative shelf on his wall  . . . holding his toiletries. And what do I see right inside the front door?

Fly on the Wall: picture this | | #humor #funny

Apparently nothing says "welcome to my room" like walking into his dirty laundry basket.

Caramel Ginger Baked Apples, for Halloween or any Fall day. Apples steamed with cinnamon and ginger are stuffed with a fun surprise and topped with a gummy worm | recipe developed by | #recipe #Halloween #dessert

 Caramel Ginger Baked Apples
Caramel Ginger Baked Apples, for Halloween or any Fall day. Apples steamed with cinnamon and ginger are stuffed with a fun surprise and topped with a gummy worm | recipe developed by | #recipe #Halloween #dessert

College Boy: I just killed a spider on the stairs.When is that terminator coming?
Me: Terminator?
College Boy: You know the big guy with the huge gun who annihilates all the spiders and then says "ahhhhl be baaaack".
Oh, that terminator.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

By now many of you know about the phone call I got on my birthday.
PurDude: Happy Birthday, Mom. I have some bad news. 
          {{Mom starts to freak out}}
PurDude: I don't want you to freak out too much.
          {{too late}}
PurDude: I just got back from the hospital.
          {{did I just sit down, or did I fall down}}
PurDude: I broke my ankle.
          {{Happy Birthday to me}}.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

Obviously PurDude was in a very lot of pain. He had fallen down the concrete stairs out the back door of his frat late at night.
I told him that I hope that some day he'll tell me the rest of the story but he insists he had spent the night with some brothers and had stepped out alone for some fresh air. Well, that's his story and he's sticking to it. Truth is he does have visual/spatial issues and has fallen down stairs regularly his whole life.
I spoke to him a couple of times that night and he wasn't himself, clearly in a lot of pain.
It was a 4 day weekend and I was worried that not a lot of people were around to help him out. The next day I texted him:

Me: Are you any better today? Are you getting food?
PurDude: Yeah, I just had some chinese food.
Me: For breakfast?
PurDude: Even if I had a full set of working legs I wouldn't get up early enough on a day off to eat breakfast.

Yup, there's my boy. He's clearly feeling better.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

We were supposed to video chat with him that next day but he had not been able to leave the couch in the frat living room so although he had his laptop with him, it was out of batteries. He had done homework on it and could not get up the stairs to his room to get the cord to recharge it. So I spoke to him instead.

Me: Do you have a ride to the your appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow?
PurDude: When we finish talking I'm going to call and make the appointment so I can ask someone for a ride.
Me: I thought the hospital made an appointment for you.
PurDude: No, they just gave me the name and number of the doctor. I'll call now and get an appointment.
Me: It's 6:00 pm.
PurDude: {{silence}}.
Me: Sunday night.
PurDude: {{silence}}.
Me: Think that might be a problem?
PurDude: {{silence}}.

Who the hell raised this kid anyway?

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics
We are now 10 days into the season of the broken leg and PurDude is on his third cast. The first one was a soft cast put on by the hospital, followed by a black cast put on by the Orthopedic Surgeon and a few days ago he got a third cast. There are at least 2 more in his future.

Me: You sent me a pic of the soft cast and the black one, send me a pic of this new one.
PurDude: Why? It looks like the black one just a different color.
Me: I want pictures of all of them.
PurDude: Why?
Me: Years from now we'll laugh about this. I want to have pictures of it all. I'm going to make a GIF. A cast GIF.
PurDude (in his stern, "you're in trouble young lady" voice): No. You're. Not.

Yes I am. Shhh. Don't tell on me.   

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

PS: I've been getting quite a few personal questions in private messages on my FB page. Somehow, maybe in a moment of low blood sugar or something, I agreed to answer them publicly if I got 20 questions from 20 different people, I'm sure thinking no way I'd get that many, I'd be off the hook. So . . . it's close. Way closer than I ever imagined. If you have a question, PM me on Facebook or email me. I'm a few questions away from dodging the bullet. And a few questions away from biting the bullet . . . Oy.

Now click on the links below for a peek into some other homes:

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Caramel Ginger Baked Apples

Printable Recipe
4 apples
1 1/2 cups ginger ale
1 box (5 - 6 oz) Sugar Babies candies (caramel apple flavor or original)
8 Hot Tamale candies
2 TBSP butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger

gummy worms

*Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place the ginger ale in an 8 X 8 baking dish.
*Core the apples, being sure not to poke all the way through the bottom. Cut around the cored center, taking a little more of the apple out to leave more room for the center ingredients. 
*Place the apples into the baking dish. Fill each apple with 2 Hot Tamales and the sugar babies candies. Top each one with 1/2 TBSP butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon and ginger.
*Cover with tin foil and bake for 40 minutes. Uncover and bake for another approximately 10 minutes or until the apples are soft. Garnish with gummy worms.
NOTE: Use caution when they are first out of the oven, caramel center is very hot.


  1. Man what a month you've had...happy birthday? LOL I could see my boys doing that. Actually now that I think of it and Jesse is standing over my shoulder reading this post, they have!

    1. Yeah, I just can't imagine where all these gray hairs are coming from!

  2. I have to laugh at the "birthday" frame your son gifted to you, because...I just get it. Dang Amazon and teenagers. LOL.
    You have had quite the month having to worry about your little guy and that cast. I hope he's feeling a little stronger each day. How long do the doctors think the process will take?
    Hey, tell your older son there IS a Spider Terminator! He comes to my house twice a year spraying some liquid that could potentially kill us all...He doesn't speak like Arnold S., but he is about 106 years old, and there are less arachnids around. Knock on wood :)

    1. Yeah, he gave me two wonderful birthday presents this year. Lucky me.
      The process should take 4 to 6 weeks. Really need that cast to be off before he comes home for Thanksgiving.

  3. Ah...mothering from a distance. What fun!! I feel like you must be doing a lot of eye rolling...and praying!

    1. Yes to both. And quite a bit of holding my breath every time the phone rings.

  4. Poor kid! I love the frame story,present that is.
    Hot tamales and sugar babies are my favorite candies. Yes I have the taste of an 8 year ld, so I will try these apples.

    1. My favorites too. Hope you love the recipe as much as I did.

  5. I mean....I can send you a picture of me for that frame if you send me the size of it...............

  6. Men's socks always have a habit of disappearing---just one firm each set. But here, things get a bit weirder---we end up wth EXTRA socks....that don't even belong to anyone in our family. Sorry to hear about your son's injury, and I wish him a speedy recovery---the exact same thing happened to me my junior year on college!

    1. Can't believe you broke your leg in college too. That's a funny coincidence.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday babe!!!! I would be so nervous every time I get a phone call or must be tough caring for kids away at college.

  8. I laugh through your posts more than I laugh anywhere else! I think the picture of PurDude's laundry basket is epic and the thought of his portrait on the fridge is brilliant...much more private than on your back window.

    As for whose child he is...clearly, PurDude is his FATHER's child...during moments like these!

  9. Ah boys, they're totally helpless without their mum, I do love the ingenuity of gifting the frame to you. It shows that boy is going places in the future....

  10. Hahaha, congratulations on your birthday present (the picture frame, not PurDude's broken ankle, of course). Now that he sent you his class picture, you combine the two: ta-daaa!
    He needs an orange cast for the Halloween season, and OF COURSE you need to do a collage. That accident is supposed to have a positive element, right?

    7 socks, what was College Boy doing?

    1. I'll have to blow up that picture so it fits in the frame. That'll make him happy, right?

    2. Yes. Also you might include pictures of his different casts. Somehow you are going to use all that space!

  11. The things you have to deal with! I just got home from what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation! Ha! More like a week of pure hell! You'll be reading about it soon!

  12. Hahaha! Takes me back to when I went to college. I used to bring my dirty laundry home and it was always a messy production. After a while my mom gave up and made me do my own.

    Oh, I remember those days when I stuck a new red shirt in with the whites not knowing any better. Of course I went back to school with all pink socks and underwear.

    1. I'm kinda freaking out right now, with that broken leg and the laundry in the basement, I'm guessing no laundry is being done at all.

  13. I was surprised that it was only 4 - 6 weeks for the ankle cast as an ankle break is horrific -- but he may need to wear the "shoe" after that. The underwear thing: the amount of underwear equals the number of showers. Sock you take off but not underwear unless you have a shower. That is how I knew if my son was lying or not when I could smell him from a distance and counted the underwear in the dryer-- oh the joys of teenage years.

  14. Well he can just trip on the laundry basket since you had to trip on the box. :) Love this.

    1. LOL, normally I'd totally agree with you, but now that he has a broken leg I'm kinda thinking maybe we should do everything to avoid breaking the other one . . .


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