Monday, April 29, 2013

It’s a Conspiracy

There is a technological conspiracy going on, and I seem to be the target. I’ve ducked, hid, bobbed and weaved, but this missile has some kind of tracking system. It can find me whatever I do.

Anyone who follows me on FB (click here and “like” this page if you haven’t already and we’ll just let bygones be bygones: Baking In A Tornado Facebook page) may have seen the whole right click dilemma a few weeks ago:

I copy and paste constantly. One day, the right click on my laptop stopped working. I couldn’t copy and paste. When my son finally got home from school, I went to show him and, of course, the right click miraculously worked. He walked away and it didn’t. He came back (yes, rolling his eyes) and this time he saw that it didn’t work for me. He tried it and it did work for him.
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

I took a picture, I post them often both on FB and in my blog posts. It was a picture (coincidently, of alcohol) that I was going to use in a future Guest Post. I wrote something on my FB page and went to add that picture, but it went up sideways. Huh? I deleted it from FB, went in to edit it in my picture file, did everything I could think of, but that picture only posts sideways.
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

It's a Conspiracy | | #humor

I wanted a badge (button, whatever) for my blog. Everyone has one, how hard can it be? So I found step by step instructions, and couldn’t do it. Found instructions elsewhere, couldn’t do it. My son came home from school and did it in about a minute and a half. About 6 months later, some friends were asking if I would make badges for the Secret Subject Swap and the Fly on the Wall challenges. Well, no, apparently I can’t, but I know who can. In about a minute and a half.
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

Every Sunday evening, the number of people who have “liked” my FB page goes down by one or two. It always makes me sad and I look at my postings to see if I’ve said anything unusually offensive. But then sometime on Monday, the number goes back up by one or two more than the people who’ve newly liked my page. I think Fb likes to screw with me.
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

Strawberry White Chocolate Chip Meringues | | #recipe
Strawberry White Chocolate Chip Meringues
(Pictured with a Chocolate Mint Chip Meringue in the middle)

My password to one of the sites I use changed itself. I knew what my password was and I had been using it. But it would not let me in, no matter what I did. I finally had to contact the site and get them to reset my password. Now I can’t remember the new one they assigned me and I’m too embarrassed to contact them again.
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

Most people have seen the blue screen of death at least once. It’s a computer style dire warning that you’ve been naughty and are headed for the firing squad. The blue screen of death pays me a visit. . .  weekly.
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

My computer moves things around while I’m sleeping. I’ll go and look for a document and It’ll be gone. Or it’ll take a picture out of my picture file and stick it in a document. I cannot win this game of hide-and-seek no matter what I do. But my son can always get it to give up its hiding spot. Yes, rolling his eyes the whole time.
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

After dinner one night, Husband went into our home office to do some work on the computer. He had some important paperwork he had to do online for the next day’s meetings. I took the opportunity to work on the blog. I went to scan in my food picture and it didn’t show up. Great. Then from the office I hear “Hey, what is this picture that just showed up in the middle of my financial document"?”
I know it’s a conspiracy, ‘cause it can’t be me.

Baking In A Tornado signature | Graphic designed by and property of | #MyGraphics

Strawberry White Chocolate Chip Meringues
3 egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup Strawberry Nesquick (powder) 25% less sugar
1/4 tsp strawberry extract
dash salt
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
*Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
*Beat egg whites until soft peaks begin to form. Slowly add the sugar, Nesquick powder, extract and salt. Keep beating until stiff peaks hold.
*Gently mix in white chocolate chips.
*Pipe or spoon onto parchment paper.
*Bake for 30 minutes.
*Turn oven off but leave the cookies in the cooling oven for 20 minutes.
*Remove cookie sheet from oven and remove cookies from the sheet.
*Store in a sealed container at room temperature.


  1. Haha ... are you sure it's a conspiracy?? LOL

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  2. laughing so hard...those things seem to happen to me all the time. I think those conspiracy gremlins stop by my place too.

  3. Too funny! Sometimes I wonder if the machines have a mind of their own. I think sometimes my computer laughs at me as I still don't know how to do certain things either!I'll tals some of those Meringues though!


  4. Don't feel computer will let me adjust the password on every other Facebook (my husband's, the kids', etc), BUT mine. And half the time, I forget that it isn't saved and it will lock me out. Stupid technology.

    When things go haywire on my computer, I know who to blame though. I have a very wise 3 year old that can work this thing better than me.

    1. LOL, 3 years old and already outsmarting Mom on the computer. You better look out . . .

  5. Ha... Crazy stuff. And the Kids always make us look bad.

    Take care, Slu

    1. I think my kids wake up every morning with a new plot to make me look bad . . .

  6. I have the answer to the ever-changing Facebook likes. That has happened to me- just tonight in fact! I think someon likes me, then unlikes me then realizes they will be lost without me and in what can only described as a virtual "please forgive me, take me back while running behind my car as I drive away" relikes me again. See? It's not you at all!

    1. Phew, glad to hear it isn't me. And I'm so happy to have a friend to explain this stuff to me. Thanks, Vicky!

  7. KAREN!!!! You had me laughing so hard with this post!!! You KNOW how terrible I am on the computer--I could relate to every single one of these dilemmas. I would probably shrivel up in a corner and watch my blog die a slow death if it wasn't for the aid of my son--- my little computer hero. The "blue screen of death"....brilliant, my friend. XO

    1. I knew the whole time I was writing this that you would totally relate to this post!

  8. On my Mac, it's called the "spinning beach ball of death". I am so glad to read this post; so many days I think this stuff just happens to "me". I'll never understand how my kids can set up a web page in 20 minutes with graphics and columns, fonts and linkies, but can't load the dishwasher. ps. I'm now getting notifications from FB on my pages telling me what I should say to my "followers". I don't update a lot but man! It's like having another mom. :) The meringues look delicious; so does the side-ways liqueurs. :)

    1. I'm envious of my kids, but I don't know what I'd do without their help. And only you would like my side-ways liqueurs!

  9. Love the idea of chocolate chip meringues! :) I followed you from The Mandatory Mooch's link party. Also, I’d like to invite you to come link up with me at my link party! I’d love it if you could stop by & link up some of your recipes! Here's the link:

  10. These sound yummy! I found you from Swap and Share Sunday. I would love for you to share at my Tried and True Recipe party:

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the invitation.

  11. Oh, welcome to the club Karen. So glad you could join us. It's called 'Crazy Techs'. It's a special club for those that think they know about computers but they always seem to press and do the wrong things. Then they have the 'golden side-kicks' come along and sort their problems in minutes, ha ha ha ha.

    What a funny post Karen, but with so much truth in it. The amount of mistakes I make on a weekly basis would bring tears to your eyes and I don't even deal with facebook or twitter etc... I'd most probably bring the whole site down from my bedroom :)

    1. Oh, I'm with you, I could probably do some serious damage right from my bedroom too. Just trying to figure out what I'm going to do when my son goes off to college.

  12. I'm ignoring the gremlins... I'm too busy dribbling onto my keyboard. I need to make these meringues! YUM <3

    1. We love them. Providing the gremlins don't get into my mixer or oven when I try to make them.

  13. I need to taste these. Now.
    I'm hoping mine turn out half as good as yours!!!


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