Friday, January 29, 2021

At Your Own Risk: Leaders Poetry


Leaders, a monthly poetry challenge based on a theme. | Graphic property of | #poetry

 Another year,
and we're still here,
Monthly Poetry Group.
There's mostly
only two of us,
far less than a troupe.

That's OK,
we've more to say,
still rhyming, in a loop.





At Your Own Risk
Follow the Leader,
a game that children play.
One's out in front while others, 
will blindly go his way.
James was today's leader,
and his friends all gave their word,
to follow James wherever,
he chose to lead the herd.
But James as it turns out,
was a scoundrel, that was true.
Had a plan for Jon, Sue and Ann,
who'd follow him like glue. 

First stop, the local park
into a door clearly marked "men."
A place that Jon was fine with but
Sue and Ann had never been.
But James he wasn't done,
had barely hit his stride. 
Into the fountain they all went,
true, his followers nearly cried.
Lead them by the picnic tables,
what could he have in store?
Swiped a plate of Cocoa pie,
his friends then took some more. 

Cocoa Refrigerator Pie is a thick, creamy, chocolatey treat. The filling is cooked in a pan, poured into the crust of your choice and cooled. That’s it, decorate and serve. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #pie
  Cocoa Refrigerator Pie
Cocoa Refrigerator Pie is a thick, creamy, chocolatey treat. The filling is cooked in a pan, poured into the crust of your choice and cooled. That’s it, decorate and serve. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #pie


Leaders on a small scale,
but larger picture too,
can get you into trouble,
if you blindly follow through. 

Yes, children aren't alone in this,
the last four years we've learned,
following corrupt adult leaders,
will also get you burned.
Moral of the story,
you may already know,
don't follow any leader lest,
you're sure where he may go.

Before you go, more Leaders poetry:
Diane of On the Border shares Small Leaders.

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Cocoa Refrigerator Pie

1 pie crust
1/2 cup milk
1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk (I used fat free)
3 TBSP cornstarch
1/2 cup baking cocoa
1 TBSP French Vanilla creamer powder
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 tsp salt
3 egg yolks 
1 TBSP French Vanilla creamer powder
about 1/4 oz vanilla bark

NOTE: You can use any pie crust, Oreo, graham cracker, chocolate graham cracker, homemade, refrigerated or frozen. If you use a homemade, refrigerated or frozen crust, bake and cool it before adding the filling.
*Whisk together the milk and the cornstarch. Set aside.
*In a pot over medium heat, whisk the evaporated milk, baking cocoa, sugar, salt and egg yolks until it comes to a boil.
*Reduce heat to medium low. Whisk in the creamer, then the milk and cornstarch. Cook, whisking until the filling is thick, about 2 - 3 minutes. Pour into the prepared pie shell.
*Wait 10 minutes, then refrigerate to cool completely. Use a vegetable peeler shave the vanilla bark onto the cooled pie.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Big Game Huntress

Big Game Huntress | Graphic designed by and property of
Covid has brought out another side in all of us, for many, a dark side. 
Wait! Don't leave! 
I'm not talking about our reaction the virus itself, whether or not we acknowledge it and understand the threat it poses, we've already shown our true colors in that respect. I'm talking about those new activities we've been forced to come up with over the past 10 or 11 months due to the restrictions we're under, and while we've been unable to do much of what had been an underappreciated part of our everyday life. You know, those new activities we've had to embrace that have become a form self-preservation, like binge watching Schitt'$ Creek (guilty), sport eating (yes, sadly, I've come to see that's a thing), and avoiding spending every second in the same room with our spouse (or is that just me?).

We're writing, we're reading, we're playing online games, we're driving our kids crazy with incessant sharing of memes we think are funny but they don't, we're spending an inordinate amount of time on grocery websites finding their funny mistakes and adding foods to our cart that we know we won't end up ordering. You know, that kinda stuff.

But me? I took up hunting. Big game hunting, no less. Yes, I am officially a huntress. Committed. Locked and loaded. Stalking my prey.

Why? How? Who brought out this dark side of me?

It started with something I'm sure you're familiar with if you read this blog regularly (and you should, you know, it only takes about 5 minutes twice a week) or follow my Baking In A Tornado FB page (pretty please, with sugar and a cherry on top). The something that precipitated my deep dive into the world of armed pursuit was as innocent as having my son coming home (safely) in November after my not having seen him for a year. While he was here, he mentioned that he was trying to get the new Play Station 5, but it was impossible, stock was low, scalper bots were buying them all the minute they came available, and since he was going to be stuck home alone once he returned to Colorado in December, he would love to have one. Always seeing the glass half empty, he was resigned to not getting one in the near (or, due to the limited stock and infrequent availability, distant) future.

Anyway, we had a great month, spending so much time together. We talked, we laughed, I got a little more than one word answers to my questions, I made all of his favorite foods (even sent him home with frozen meals) and I tried out some new recipe ideas on him.
Scotcharoo Mini Muffins, pop-in-your- mouth muffins are an interpretation of a nostalgic treat marrying peanut butter, butterscotch, chocolate, and the crunch of crispy cereal. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dinner
Scotcharoo Mini Muffins
Scotcharoo Mini Muffins, pop-in-your- mouth muffins are an interpretation of a nostalgic treat marrying peanut butter, butterscotch, chocolate, and the crunch of crispy cereal. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dinner

But way too quickly that month came to an end. And I was left here with Johnny and Moira (not complaining), a grocery cart full of items to delete, one less taste tester, and the Covid numbers still escalating.
Hmmm . . . what to do . . . what to do . . . I really needed a new hobby. Or something.
And then it hit me. I would hunt. Now hunting is a blood sport, not something I've ever embraced, but desperate times call for desperate measures, it seems. And one sad, lonely, day after he had left in December, I found myself entertaining the concept of the unthinkable.
Here's the true silver lining. I was fully engaged. It was all encompassing, time consuming, I had so much to learn. I had to use patience (not something I've ever been known for), my wiles, my concentration. Hell, I even put my insomnia to good use, turns out night time is optimal for surveillance. I began to stalk those pursuing the same quarry, learning their tactics. I followed hunters on twitter, discovered that I wasn't above using their intel where provided, and incorporating it into the genesis of a strategy of my own. 

The prey was elusive and hundreds of thousands (literally) of people were after it. But I would not give up. Turns out I'm ruthless, tenacious, unrelenting. Who knew? Well, OK, my mom. But I was packing heat, hot on the trail of my quarry. And in a time when we've lost control of so much, I was empowered, determined.
So did I, before the end of hunting season (or ever, as the case may be), actually pull the trigger on my loaded credit card to bag that elusive Play Station 5? Well, turns out that isn't the point. It's not the claim, it's the game (a sentiment with which my son would vehemently disagree, btw).
Here's something we did agree on: the laughs along the way? No credit card needed, those were priceless.
Post of someone I don't know but had started following on twitter (along with 105,000 other people looking for a PS5):
Funny twitter typo | graphic created by and featured on

Desperate Facebook conversation with a friend who only works at Target part time, and neither in the state where I live nor where PurDude lives:
The hunt for a PS5 | graphic created by and featured on
One of the most fun phone conversations I've had with PurDude in a long time:

PurDude: Hello.
Me: Hi honey, I think I got one.
PurDude: One what?
Me: A PS5.
PurDude: I think you need to get some sleep.
Me: I really think I got one.
PurDude: That's almost impossible right now.
Me: I know, they sell out the minute they go on sale or the website crashes, but I think I got one. I was stuck in a loop waiting on Boulder so I opened another tab and tried for Longmont.
PurDude: OK, and what makes you think you got one?
Me: This:

Finally got a PS5 | Graphic property of
Big game, bagged.

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Scotcharoo Mini Muffins   

Printable Recipe

1/4 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup Rice Krispies cereal
2 TBSP peanut butter
1 TBSP canola oil
3 TBSP butterscotch chips
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 TBSP butterscotch schnapps (can omit)
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
*Cover a small tray with parchment paper.
*In a microwave safe bowl, melt chocolate chips until smooth when stirred. Gently mix in the cereal. Spoon into 24 small balls onto the parchment paper, then place in the freezer for an hour.
*Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease 24 mini muffin wells. Remove chocolate/cereal balls from the freezer.
*In a microwave safe bowl, melt the peanut butter, canola oil and butterscotch chips at 10 second intervals just until smooth when stirred. Whisk in the brown sugar, vanilla, butterscotch schnapps (if using), and milk. Once incorporated, whisk in the egg, then mix in the flour and baking powder. 
*Divide the batter into the mini muffin wells. Top each with a chocolate/cereal ball and press down just slightly.
*Bake for 12 - 15 minutes or until they spring back to the touch. Allow to cool in the tins for 10 minutes before removing to cool completely.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Practicing Comfort and Joy: Fly on the Wall



Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

Welcome to a monthly Fly on the Wall group post. Well, what is normally a group post. For the past 98 months (yes, 98!), I've invited you to catch a glimpse of what you'd see if you were a fly on the wall in my house. Interesting, mostly funny, and sometimes cringe worthy (sorry) little snippets of personal conversations and relationships. Not only me, but for the past 98 months I've been joined in writing these tidbits of life posts with other bloggers. Today none of the other participants were able to join me.
I'm going it alone and I'll tell you why. Without a doubt, readers enjoy, even tell me they look forward to, these Fly on the Wall posts. And I enjoy writing them. All month I document this circumstance or that conversation, then laugh myself when organizing them to present to you. I made the decision long ago that they will remain a monthly feature, even if it's just me writing it, like it is this month. 

So come on in, buzz around my house, make yourself at home, have a laugh.

Christmas was last month, perhaps you know that. I had a lot to do that day, making the whole meal I always make, even though it was just the three of us.
I had a bit of a break in the chores after I put the laundry away and the turkey in the oven and went to sit on the couch. There was a fire going in the fireplace, I had a mug of apple cider with Grand Marnier, and I was sitting there with my eyes closed, just relaxing when Hubs comes in the room.
Hubs: You look peaceful, what are you doing?
Me: Practicing.
Hubs: Practicing? Practicing what?
Me: Comfort and joy.
Hubs: Well, looks like you got it right.
Me: I don't think so.
Hubs: No?
Me: I'm not really sure, I think I'm going to need to practice again tomorrow, be sure I've got it right.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics


College Boy always has the same answer when to a comment I make pretty often this time of year, that I'm cold. He had come downstairs Christmas Day to tell me that he could smell the turkey cooking.

College Boy: I can smell that turkey.
Me: I know, and it hasn't been in the oven that long.
College Boy: Look at you, all wrapped up in that throw.
Me: I'm cold. 
College Boy: You're old?
Me: You better be nice to me or I won't let you have any of my turkey.
College Boy: It's not your turkey, it's my turkey.
Me: Your turkey?
College Boy: Yes, I'm just letting you cook it for me.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

I was in a crappy mood (yeah, it happens now and then) and College Boy decided to try to tease me out of it. 
College Boy: You know if you keep that up I'm going to be forced to have you put in jail.
Me: Sounds good. No cooking, no dishes, no laundry . . .
College Boy: No, you'll get out for work release.
Me: Jeez, you take all the fun out of jail.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics


I like to share lessons I learn as I stumble through go through my daily life. After all, there's no need for us to make the same mistakes. This one is actually a two-fer.

1) Don't pop a cookie in your mouth after you've been slicing up a red pepper.

2) If you're a recipe developer like me, you can cross off trying a cookie recipe with red pepper in it off of your list.

You're welcome.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

Me: Are you staying for dinner?
College Boy: What's for dinner?
Me: You need to know before you'll agree to stay?
College Boy: How long have you known me?
Me: Fine. I'm trying something new.
College Boy: I'm out.
Me: I didn't even tell you what.
College Boy: How long have I known you?
Me: {{blink, blink}}.
College Boy: OK, what concoction have you come up with. 
Me: Well, it's a mash up of two recipes.
College Boy (looking skeptical): See what I mean.
Me (getting exasperated): It should be really good, Shrimp Alfredo Enchiladas.
College Boy: I'm in.
Me: You know we could have started here and skipped over the part where you insult my ingenuity.
College Boy: Where would the fun be in that?

Shrimp Alfredo Enchiladas, spicy, creamy, a family favorite comfort food. | Recipe developed by | #reicpe #dinner

Shrimp Alfredo Enchiladas
Shrimp Alfredo Enchiladas, spicy, creamy, a family favorite comfort food. | Recipe developed by | #reicpe #dinner

A few minutes later:
Hubs: Hey, what's for dinner?
Didn't see him again for the rest of the afternoon.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

I was watching TV in the den and Hubs was walking through when he stopped.
Hubs: What the hell are you watching?
Me: I'm watching a murder mystery, pretty much like I always do.
Hubs: A murder where people sell their brains?
Me: What?
Hubs: They just said that Monrovia is a small rural town where many residents support themselves by selling their brain.
Me: Grain. They sell their grain. I'd imagine it would be hard to spend the proceeds after you sell your brain.
Hubs: Oh, grain. OK, carry on.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

Hubs: I'm here to help you with dinner.
Me (skeptically): Seriously? You can't even boil water.
Hubs: I didn't mean I'd do any actual cooking.
Me: So . . . what . . . you're going to help with the prep work.
Hubs: That's not really what I had in mind either.
Me: What exactly do you have in mind?
Hubs: I thought I'd help by deciding what we'll have.
Me: You got a death wish?
Hubs: No, just a craving.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics

I was disappointed to have already seen all of the true crime shows that were on, and was surfing through the channels looking for something else to watch when College Boy walks in. Of course, right when I get to the Hallmark channel.
College Boy: You should be in those Hallmark movies.
Me: I can't act.
College Boy: See, you're perfectly qualified.

Fly on the Wall, a multi-blogger writing challenge | developed and run by | #MyGraphics
Hubs came up from his man cave just as I was about to take the clean laundry up to the bedroom.
Me: I'm throwing away a pair of your socks.
Hubs: Which pair?
Me: The olive colored dress socks.
Hubs: I sometimes wear those when I go into work, why are you throwing them away?
Me: Do you really want to know?
Hubs: Probably not but I'm curious. Why?
Me: They're taunting me.
Hubs: Taunting you?
Me: Yes. And they don't want to be worn any more.
Hubs: Did they tell you that?
Me: Yes.
Hubs: Yes?
Me: Well, not in so many words. I washed them last week and when I put them on the pile of clean clothes, they fell off between the washing machine and the wall.
Hubs: OK . . .
Me: So I fished them out of there but they were dusty so I put them back in the washing machine and washed them again today.
Hubs: OK . . .
Me: I just put them on the pile of clean clothes and they jumped off into that space between the washing machine and the wall. Again. They either don't want to be worn any more or they're taunting me.
Hubs: OK, I see your reasoning now.
Me: You do?
Hubs: No.

I still threw them in the trash. They had two chances, that's all a pair of socks are going to get.
See you again next month!

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Shrimp Alfredo Enchiladas

12 oz cooked shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/2 tsp dry taco seasoning
1 green onion, chopped
4 oz mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup refried beans
1 cup Alfredo sauce, divided
1/4 cup salsa
2/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
8 (8 inch) flour tortillas

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 10 X 15 baking dish. Pour 3 TBSP water into the dish and set aside.
*Pat the shrimp dry, place in a bowl and sprinkle with taco seasoning. Mix well to coat the shrimp, then mix in the green onion and mushrooms.
*In a separate bowl, whisk together the refried beans, 1/3 cup of the Alfredo sauce and the salsa. Mix in 1/3 cup of the shredded cheddar cheese.
*Gently mix the sauce into the shrimp.
*Spoon a line of filling down the middle of each tortilla, checking to be sure there are 4 - 5 shrimp in each. Roll the tortillas into a tube and place them, seam side down, into the prepared baking dish. Cover tightly with tin foil.
*Bake for 30 minutes.  Remove from oven but keep the oven on. 
*Carefully remove the foil and drizzle the Alfredo sauce over the top of the enchiladas. Sprinkle with the remaining cheddar cheese. Return to the oven, uncovered, and bake another 10 minutes.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Remembering How to Breathe: Word Counters



Word Counters, a multiblogger writing challenge | Developed, run by and graphic property of | #MyGraphics

Counting my words again. 

Today my fellow Word Counters and I are sharing our monthly group post. Each month one group member picks a number between 12 and 50. All participating bloggers are then challenged to write something (or a few somethings, as the case may be) using that exact number of words. Today we all share what we came up with.

 This month's number is 17. 
It was chosen by Diane of On the Border.

As I've been doing in these Word Counters posts, I've chosen a theme and am using my word count multiple times in keeping with the theme. This month I've chosen the theme (remembering how to) breathe.

~ Four chaotic years, especially this past month, proves it's possible to hold your breath while still breathing.

~ It's psychological, emotional, the difference between automatic respiration and the cleansing, deliberate ability to really, freely, breathe.

~ Virus, mass death, disinformation, selfishness, herd immunity, all inhibit the ability to breathe, even while still breathing.

~ Alliances, relationships, reputation, diplomacy, democracy, safety, science, medicine, environment, elections, education, stability, security, all dangerously at risk. 

~ Blacks, browns, Jews, gays, liberals, Muslims, police . . . with targets on our backs. No wonder we can't breathe.

~ You can cook, write, binge watch Schitt'$ Creek, and torture your kids. Diversion's necessary but not cleansing.

Parmesan Garlic Loaf is an easy compliment to any meal. This crusty loaf is filled with swirls of garlic and herb butter and parmesan cheese. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #bread

Parmesan Garlic Loaf
Parmesan Garlic Loaf is an easy compliment to any meal. This crusty loaf is filled with swirls of garlic and herb butter and parmesan cheese. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #bread
~ No administration's perfect, either party. I'd been disappointed through the years, but at least I could breathe. 
~ History will judge us all. Harshly. Can we at least show that we've learned from these atrocities?
~ The people's house is welcoming new occupants. Finally. Goodbye Putin, narcissism, deceit. Welcome back norms, decency, decorum.

~ This ends not the damage done, but the spiraling, frenzied calculated chaos. And I intend to breathe.

Here are links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Parmesan Garlic Loaf         

Printable Recipe

1# frozen bread loaf
3 TBSP + 1 tsp garlic and herb butter spread, divided
2 TBSP + 1/2 tsp grated parmesan cheese, divided
2 TBSP flour

*Spray a sheet of plastic wrap with cooking spray and wrap around the frozen bread loaf. Refrigerate for 4 hours (or overnight) until defrosted.
*Spread the flour on your counter, remove the plastic wrap from the dough (keep the wrap) and place the dough in the flour. Allow to sit for 1 hour.
*Grease a loaf pan. 
*Press the air bubbles out of the dough and roll into a square about twice the length of your loaf pan. Carefully spread 3 TBSP of the butter spread onto the dough, leaving about 1/2 edge. Sprinkle with 2 TBSP grated parmesan.
*Fold the dough in half so it's about the same length as your loaf pan. Roll it up and place into the pan. Cover loosely with the plastic wrap and move to a warm dry place to rise for 4 hours.
*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Remove and discard the plastic wrap.
*Bake the loaf for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and immediately, gently, spread the remaining butter spread over the top. Sprinkle with the remaining parmesan cheese.
*Run a knife around the edges to release, then remove from the pan to serve.