Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Mother of All Meltdowns

If you’ve been living under a rock, you probably haven’t heard about my new book. Well, come out from under there and join the fun.

I joined 30 other bloggers in putting together an anthology. It’s called The Mother of All Meltdowns and I’m very proud of it. It went on sale in the beginning of October and is doing quite well.

Rather than write you a whole post patting myself and my fellow authors on the back, I’d like to introduce you to Sarah of The Momisodes. She agreed to read the book and write a review for you.

Disclaimer: The reviewer received only a free copy of this book in exchange for her review. No suggestions of, nor restrictions on the content of her post were made or implied.


*taps microphone* Er . . . um . . . he . . . hello? Hi! I’m Sarah! As mentioned in the above intro, I’m the mastermind (evil genius? no . . . too much?) behind The Momisodes. I’m here to tell you a little ditty about Jack and Diane . . . wait . . . no, no that’s not right. I’m here to tell you about a book. A book that I got to read and that several of my friends contributed to. It’s called The Mother of All Meltdowns.

When Karen asked me to read and review The Mother of All Meltdowns, I was thrilled. This blog is Karen’s baby and anyone who knows her knows that she is not one to just toss out guest posts like they are candy. So this was truly an honor.

The Mother of All Meltdowns book featured on www.BakingInATornado.com

Click here to purchase for Kindle or in paperback.
Click here to purchase for Nook or in paperback:

Meltdowns . . . life’s way of bringing comedy to a situation that has gotten entirely too out of hand. This book brings you a much sought after camaraderie. Been locked out of your house by a kid? So has one mom. Legos causing you to absolutely flip your lid? Yup, she’s been there. The Mother of All Meltdowns is full of mothers who join us in the Sisterhood of Meltdowns, so you won’t feel alone very long.

When I got the book, I was absolutely giddy to get to read it. I may or may not have cracked ‘er open and located my friends who were part of the book. If I’d done that, it was simply out of excitement for them. I perched myself in my little corner of the couch and basically didn’t move. This book became an extension of me. It went where I went.

I laughed . . . a lot. This, can I just say, is really hard to do when you’ve got The Crud.

I cried.

More often than not, I found myself nodding my head right along with some of the stories.

The stories shared in The Mother of All Meltdowns will bring you a close knit group of like-minded friends who will gladly encourage you to have a glass box of wine to get through this thing called motherhood. You’ll instantly feel like you are talking with your girlfriend about how your kid made you lose your shit. No judgment here. You’ll get to know the wonderful ladies on a personal and relatable basis. Plus, there are some handy dandy tips on how to survive a meltdown. Really, it’s a win, win all around.

If you’ve not gotten your hands on The Mother of All Meltdowns, then you are missing out! So do yourself a favor, head over to Amazon right now and snatch this baby up. Your new friends are just waiting to be discovered! Thank you to Karen for this opportunity! Maybe one day I’ll share MY mother of all meltdowns!


The Momisodes featured on www.BakingInATornado.com

Wife. Mother. Blogger. Smartass. General exuder of epic awesomeness, Sarah is a 30-something married mother of 3 living big city dreams in a small country town who wouldn’t trade it for the world. Between cleaning a house, taking 3 kids to different schools, trying to get a business up and running, and shuttling the kids to various activities, she barely has time to use the restroom. But lucky for us, she finds time to blog. Visit Sarah at The Momisodes.
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  1. Man, that chick from The Momisodes is an awesome writer! Haha....Seriously, though, thank you for giving me the chance to write this for you. It was truly an honor. ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. That chick from The Momisodes really is awesome. Thank you for the review, Sarah. So glad you enjoyed the book.

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful review!!! Love this book :-)

  3. What a fabulous review!! Thanks so much! I love the analogy of all of us moms as friends sitting around sharing our meltdown stories. Wouldn't that be great?? Like 50 or 100 of us gathered at a coffee shop somewhere chatting it up!!! :-)

    1. They'd probably kick us out for disorderly behavior! haha But yes, it would be fun!

  4. LoL! Well, I AM the exuder of epic awesomeness, so I guess that's only fitting I'd throw out some awesomeness. I'd CONSIDERED a few Journey references too, but didn't want to overload the epic awesomeness....nor did I want to take away from the epic awesomeness of the book itself.

  5. "nodding my head right along with some of their stories." Yep, that's it in a nutshell. Nice to know when you're not the only crazy momma on the block. Or the only screaming one, anyway. Thanks so much for the wonderful review!

  6. Glad you enjoyed the book Sarah! I was so nervous as I was writing my story...you think you're the only one who loses it! It makes you feel a lot better when you read about how other people lost it too!

    1. It does indeed. Sometimes, you just need to know someone is there agreeing with you.

  7. Sounds like a fun book! I love anthologies as a way to find new writers.

    1. Thanks Anne, we're all really proud to be part of this project.

  8. Oh yes, I've got the book already mate. I haven't had a chance to have a read yet but I'm sure it's going to give me a good laugh and I'll be the person with the box of wine by my side.

  9. Thanks for the great review, Sarah! You'll have to share your meltdown story on The Mother of All Meltdowns blog! :)

    1. You're very welcome. I'd love to share my meltdown.

  10. I am sure the stories in here must be hysterical. If they are anything like your blogs I am sure it will offer a lot of laughs.

    1. Thanks Phil, I'm honored to be involved with such a talented group of writers.

  11. I can't say thank you enough for the awesome review here today and I am with Michelle that I loved the Jack and Diane reference, too. And do hope you share your own meltdown story with us, too!!

  12. "The Sisterhood of Meltdowns" is a great name for those of us who admit to having meltdowns! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing our book, Sarah!

  13. Thank you for the awesome review, Sarah. Glad you enjoyed the book!

  14. I love this book already. I received a copy because I am a stop on the Mother of All Meltdowns Book Tour! Hey hey, go me! Great review by Sarah. I can't wait to get to some of the other meltdowns in the book.

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. Thanks for your support of the book as well, Lanaya. Even though you're working on "letting go", I bet you've had some meltdowns of your own you could share.

  15. Thanks for the awesome review, Sarah! I'm not a huge wine drinker, but I'll bring a box for you and a giant Fountain Coke for me!

  16. I loved it too for all the reasons you mentioned! I was surprised by how much it really hit home. I knew I would be able to relate to it (all too well as it turns out!) but I was taken aback by how much it moved me! Great book and an excellent gift for every mom I know!!

  17. What a great review! I was the mommy that lost it after my daughter cut her own hair a week before pictures and it was great knowing I wasn't alone. Now I am going to sing Jack and Diane for the rest of the night. :)

    1. I think the best thing about the stories was being able to say "Yup! I've been there!"

  18. I've got the book, I just have to fit in time between meltdowns to read it! I know it's going to be awesome tho, how can it not be?

  19. Thanks for doing the review of our book. I love your sense of humor. Can you tell me more about Jack and Diane! tee hee

    1. Thanks! I absolutely COULD tell you about them. Karen can attest to that! I did a telling of the song "Fancy" by Reba that was moderately believable. lol

  20. Sounds like a great book! Can't wait to read it.

  21. Thank you all for your kind comments. I was so worried that I would sound like I was trying to hard or that I'd fail to give a proper review. I'm so happy you all enjoy it. And, once again, thank you to Karen for letting me guest post on her blog. It was truly an honor.

  22. Such an awesome review! Thank you so much for reading it! I'm glad we made you emotional (in a good way)! :)


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