Tuesday, November 12, 2013


School is in session, the weather changes, kids don costumes and it’s dark before dinner; all signs that holiday time is right around the corner. Before we know it plans are made, preparations have begun and Thanksgiving is just weeks away.

Thanksgiving is a perfect occasion for ushering in the holiday season; it’s a time for stories, projects, cooking and sharing. That’s exactly what this post is about. I’ve linked up with 5 other bloggers, each sharing a piece of what the season has to offer. We have humor, contemplation, family projects and food.

I hope you’ll click on all the links below to see what we’ve put together for you:

Abundance | graphic designed by and property of www.BakingInATornado.com | #MyGraphics

Home on Deranged has a family post about the first and last Thanksgiving spent with mom.
Kiss My List is sharing a simple but meaningful family craft project that does double duty as Thanksgiving decor.
The Rowdy Baker has posted a recipe for Iced Pumpkin Roll with Butterscotch Cream Cheese Filling .
Writer B is Me will share a story about what happens when someone is asked to make the mashed potatoes one too many times.
PinkWhen shares a project you can display for Thanksgiving dinner and guests.

Pink When's Thanksgiving project | featured on www.BakingInATornado.com

And I’m sharing a recipe for that leftover turkey.


I have to admit that I buy a huge turkey for Thanksgiving. Way bigger than what I need to serve our family. That’s because we love having leftover turkey. We use it in sandwiches and we (meaning I) use it in recipes; two favorites of which are casseroles that I make every year.

Neither of the casseroles I make are earth-shattering new creations never made before. Both really are just plain comfort food. They’re both recipes I’ve found through the years and altered and changed, added to and subtracted from to come up with something my family likes.

One dish I make every year is an incarnation of a Divan. It’s warming and substantial for a cold winter night. The second casserole, and the one I’m sharing here is my take on a Tetrazzini. You can use white meat, dark meat or a combination. It makes a ton, you could feed . . . oh . . . say a house full of teens with this.

Pair it with a crisp salad and a loaf of crusty French bread and it’s a quick and easy meal.

Turkey Tetrazzini Casserole | Recipe developed by www.BakingInATornado.com

Turkey Tetrazzini Casserole

And for that person who bought that turkey I really wanted but couldn’t lift out of the case, you can freeze some of your leftover turkey and make this casserole again later in the winter.

Baking In A Tornado signature | www.BakingInATornado.com | #MyGraphics 

Turkey Tetrazzini Casserole
2 cups leftover turkey, boned, skinned and cut into pieces
12 ounces Spaghetti, cooked al dente
8 oz mushrooms, sliced
12 ounces frozen peas
1 jar chopped pimentos (2 oz), drained
1 green onion, chopped
2 TBSP Butter
2 TBSP flour
1½ cups Chicken broth
½ cup milk
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
½ cup Parmesan
*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 X 13 baking dish.
*In a large bowl, mix together the spaghetti, turkey, mushrooms, peas, pimentos and green onion. Put into baking dish.
*Melt butter in a pot on medium/low heat. Wisk in the flour, salt and pepper, and continue whisking for 1 minute. Slowly whisk in the chicken broth. Bring to a boil, then simmer for one minute. Remove from heat. Add in the milk and parmesan.
*Pour over the spaghetti mixture. Sprinkle top with paprika. Bake for 40 minutes or until hot and bubbly.


  1. That sounds really good!! We may actually have some leftover turkey this year so I will have to make this if we do! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for having me in the group post! I forgot to add the actual thumbnail to my post but have it added now. :-)

    1. I really enjoyed collaborating on this post and think we ended up with a great mix of posts.

  2. It really was fun, Dana, so glad we did this together.

  3. This looks GREAT. Something my family would go nuts over. Now I want turkey!

    1. Me too. Can't wait to get that big turkey in the oven and smell it cooking all day!

  4. KAREN! This looks amazing! I would make this anytime of the year. You know I need easy, casserole-y things to make or my kids get canned soup. Shhh, you didn't hear that. *petting your head* why can't I share it on Pinterest? Is it on your Pinterest recipe board? I'm printing it right now.....

    Also want to say THANK YOU for bringing me on this awesome group post. I absolutely loved being a part of it and meeting a few new bloggers, too! :)
    You're the BEST. MWA & *hugs*

    1. You should be able to pin it, I did. Check out my boards, it should be on the Baking In A Tornado one. So glad you joined in. Fun, wasn't it?

  5. Turkey leftovers never looked so good, Karen! YUM!

  6. This looks really good. I'm going to save this recipe and try it the day after Thanksgiving.

  7. This looks yummy! What an awesome way to use leftovers and extend the Thanksgiving favorite! :)

  8. Luckily for me, I don't have to make a turkey for the big day yet! My stepmother does and even though she makes a huge bird, the leftovers are usually dolled out in piece mail to each family and there's just enough for a sandwich for us!! I always enjoy reading all your great recipes though!!

    1. Oooh, I don't know if I'd be happy with that, We love our leftovers here.

  9. I can't believe we are so close to the holiday season. I do love this time of year. Great recipe for leftover turkey.

  10. I love Tetrazzini! So comforting and creamy, just the thing my hips need for winter when my exercising goes from 0 to -60 in a minute, LOL!!!! I could eat pasta everyday of the week and never get tired of it. This year for some ODD and I mean ODD reason we got a phone call from my in laws saying that after my and the hubs hosting thanksgiving dinner since we got married (6 years now) We are all having Thanksgiving at a Restaurant!!!! Say what????? well...I'm happy since I don't have to do the entire cooking and cleaning things for 9, BUT..I'm wondering if my turkey is as bad as Chevy Chase's Xmas Vacation one or if they got tired of the cat littler on the jello mold, LOL...I think I'm going to need more of your cocktails girl...hugs! Love ya! Great post, will visit the other bloggers and follow if I'm not already as well!

    1. I don't think I'd be too happy having Thanksgiving at a restaurant. Unless they'd let me into the kitchen to pack up the leftovers of my choice.

  11. I have never cooked a Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving is always at my parents' house. This year they'll be on vacation in Atlanta during the holiday though. Since my husband is an Englishman and not particularly bothered about celebrating Thanksgiving we're skipping it this year. The idea of cooking a big Thanksgiving meal just seems too hard.

    1. Although I agree that it's a lot of work to cook the meal, I just love having a fire in the fireplace and smelling the turkey cooking all day long on Thanksgiving. And then there are the leftovers . . .

  12. Yes, yes, yes! I found my way over to you from the wonder that is B (love her!). I cannot emphasize enough how much I appreciate this post. While our Canadian Thanksgiving is done and toasted up here, this recipe is perfect for Boxing Day and beyond. The added bonus was learning I could freeze turkey and use it later. Who knew?

    1. So glad to help, Kelly. I don't freeze turkey to eat later just as a turkey dinner but I do freeze it for casseroles.

      And I'm a fan of B too!

  13. I'd have to leave out the onions for him and the mushrooms for me, but otherwise, this is a way better use of leftover turkey than the sandwiches we eat for a week until we finally cave and just throw it out. Maybe we'll have ham this year....

    1. That's what I love about recipes, you adjust it according to your family's tastes. No ham for us, it's all about the turkey!

  14. You have made me so very very hungry!! I am totally printing this recipe out!! Thanks!

  15. That casserole looks yummy! One of my favorite feasting holidays. Stuff ourselves silly and nod off in a nap on the couch!

  16. You always have just the right recipe for me! Thank you for sharing! As a non-baker/chef...I need your help! :-)

  17. Totally printed this one out. Thank you!!

    1. Just got my turkey today. Got an extra large one again. Looking forward to both Thanksgiving and the leftovers. Hope you enjoy the recipe.


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