Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Coulda Shoulda

As we head towards August, which is back to school time here in the Midwest {{sob}} and I prepare myself for the day when they leave again, I find myself thinking about college. I completely understand, even respect, the desire for a college degree. I'd better, I'm currently paying for two. What I find often doesn't work, though, is having to pick a major when you don't yet know what direction will ultimately best suit you.

There are kids, like PurDude, who know exactly what they want to do. I envy them. But there are so many of us who just didn't know at the age of 20, whose direction was not easily chosen. 

When I was in college I picked my major more based on who I thought I wanted to be than out of a true understanding of my nature. Looking back, the maturity level just wasn't there yet. I hadn't had enough life experiences to say, without a doubt, this one thing is what I want to dedicate a large portion of my life to doing.

But I chose. I graduated. I worked. I burned out. Maybe it wasn't the field itself, but the specific job. That's certainly possible. 

I had a second career. It had nothing to do with my college major and I only got into it because my sister was doing it, they were taking entry-level applicants and I needed a change. Complete chance.

The truth is, looking back, I'm much more capable now to see the types of careers that I would be so much better suited to. I have a life's worth of insight into my own strengths. And weaknesses.

Coulda, Shoulda: looking back, would you have chosen a different career? | www.BakingInATornado.com | #funny #laugh #MyGraphics

Coulda shoulda woulda. What direction would I go in now if I were to choose a career? I bet not what you'd think.

A Chef? No. I sometimes like to cook, like when it was just Hubs and I with no kids refusing to even taste the dish I spent hours on. My style and ingredient choices tend to be pedestrian, limited by both my abilities and what my family likes.

A Baker? Not this one either. I just don't have the talent nor the patience for beautiful creations. I'm very lucky, growing boys will devour any sweet somewhere between the oven and the counter. No need to worry about what they look like. Phew.

Now, with so many more life experiences than I'd had in college, with clearer insight into what suits me, I'm much better equipped to make career choices.

Ten careers I shoulda chosen:

1. A Cruise Director: Through this whole roller coaster ride of family life, turns out I'm the one whose kept everyone on board.

2. A Politician: I can make promises. I can even make them intending to keep them.

3. An Anesthesiologist: Although I recommend my numbing agents be administered po (by mouth), I'm sure an IV can be arranged. I have a variety of options available starting with my newest, the Lemon Rasp-tini. And, added bonus, who doesn't want to return from surgery saying "and a fun time was had by all . . ."

Lemon Rasp-tini, a refreshing summer cocktail. | Recipe developed by www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipe #cocktail
Lemon Rasp-tini
Lemon Rasp-tini, a refreshing summer cocktail. | Recipe developed by www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipe #cocktail

4. A Nancy Grace: This has to be the jackpot of all jobs. I mean, you have your own show, you say what you think, you have guests who give their opinion. And if they don't agree with you? You tell them to shut up and you have your people kill their camera. And I SO want to have "people". You know, the kind that actually do what you say.

5. A Personal Shopper: If I can spend our money in a nanosecond . . . and I can . . . imagine what I could do with someone else's money.

6. A Rastafarian: This may be a religion not a job, but I could totally rock the dreads while chillin' mon!

7. A Rock Star: I mean, you know, other than in my own mind.

8. A Mediator: I've ended up with so much life experience in this field. I'm not really sure I was prepared for the negotiating skills I'd need having 2 boys a year apart, but obviously I'm good at it. They are, after all, still alive. Score!

9. A coffee taste tester. No wait, wine. No, tequilla. Final answer . . . tequilla. Patron specifically, if anyone could arrange that for me. This could actually be a side career, it'll work well with my day job as an Anesthesiologist. We'll just call it Quality Control.

10. An Editor: In all seriousness, this is the field in which I really think I could have made an impact. I actually do this for friends who are want help with blog posts or are submitting articles for publication.

I am so detail oriented, I hate misspelled words and I actually know how to use an apostrophe. I love to read and I can look at a story and adjust how it's structured while maintaining the voice of the author.

And it sure would be fun to spend the day pointing out what others are doing wrong. Instead of the other way around {{I'm looking at you, boys}}. 

Baking In A Tornado signature | www.BakingInATornado.com | #MyGraphics

Lemon Rasp-tini
Printable Recipe

Ingredients (makes 2):
4 tsp sugar
3 oz lemon juice
1 oz whipped vodka
1 oz orange liqueur
2 oz raspberry liqueur
4 oz limoncello
6 raspberries

lemon wedge and colored sugar

*Place sugar and lemon juice in a martini shaker. Mix well until the sugar is dissolved.
*Add the vodka, orange liqueur, raspberry liqueur and limoncello. Cover and shake well. 
*Place the 6 fresh raspberries into the shaker, cover again and refrigerate until cold.
*Place the colored sugar onto a plate. Run the lemon wedge along the rim of your martini glasses. Turn the glass upside down into the sugar to rim the edge of the glass.
*Place three of the raspberries from the shaker into the bottom of each glass. Cover and shake the martinis again, then carefully, avoiding the rim, pour into the glasses.


  1. Underground cage-fighter. I thought it was cool since I was a kid. Blame, like, the entire 80's for all those martial arts movies.

  2. Wow! What a resume! Just shows what training you get when you receive your M.O.M.

    1. Exactly, Diane. We can do pretty much anything at this point.

  3. Oh my I agree with you, few 20 year olds know what they want to do and I am a firm believer of a good liberal arts education. Yes by junior year you need to hone in and certainly by senior year but I know too many people, myself included, that did not get good career guidance and ended up with a degree and no interest in the field of study!

    1. Yes, I worked in mine for a few years, then moved on.

  4. The world lies up to all of us. Fun post.

  5. My career was something I never dreamed of. And I left it a couple of times, only to return, realizing how much I missed it. But when I retire, maybe I'll pick from your list. Alana amblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. Numbers 6 and 9. YES!

    I decided I wanted to be a lawyer at like 5. By the time I was 6, I still wanted to be a lawyer, but my ultimate endgame was Supreme Court Justice. I grew up and started college, and realized it probably wasn't for me. Now, at 33,I genuinely wish I had stuck it out. I think I'd be good at it. The reasons I chose to quit are still valid, but all these years later, I can now see reasons to stick with it. I wish I had seen those reasons then.

    Lemon and Raspberry is one of my favorite flavor combinations EVER.

    Wonderful post!!

    1. Well, I knew #9 would appeal to you right away.
      I wish you had stuck with it, but 33 is still young. Maybe one day you'll be a Supreme Court Justice after all.

  7. I'm with you on cruise director and editor!!

    1. Wonder if we can out those two together. Editor on a cruise ship?

  8. You never fail to crack me up! You can be my anesthesiologist any day!

    1. You would definitely feel no pain, I can tell you that much.


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