Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, October is Here Soon

It's been a very long time since I've read children's books.

Yes, I'm aware that this is a bit of a strange way to begin a warning. Or even an apology, depending on how you view it.

But I'm hoping that the characters from some old favorites will soften the blow. Because Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, October is here soon and like The Very Hungry Caterpillar, one week from today I will break out of my egg. And very hungry (for Halloween) I will be.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, October is Here Soon. Using children’s books to say, spooky season’s on the way. | Graphic property of www.BakingInATornado.com | #October #Halloween

I said it when I started this blog six years ago (really? has it been that long?), that no matter what anyone else does, I hold off until October first. No pumpkin recipes in July, no Halloween treats in August, no starting holidays six months in advance for me. 

Like today. It's still September so I will not share a Halloween recipe, I will not share a pumpkin recipe. Chocolate Cookies and Cream Cheesecake for the win!

A Chocolate lover’s favorite, Chocolate Cookies and Cream Cheesecake marries a dense chocolate cheesecake studded with cookie chunks with a cookies and cream crust. | Recipe developed by www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipe #chocolate

Chocolate Cookies and Cream Cheesecake
A Chocolate lover’s favorite, Chocolate Cookies and Cream Cheesecake marries a dense chocolate cheesecake studded with cookie chunks with a cookies and cream crust. | Recipe developed by www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipe #chocolate

BUT, here's the warning part: October 1st, that's next week.

So for a short while Where the Wild Things Are will be right here in the blogosphere where I will roar my terrible roar and gnash my terrible teeth and share my wonderful recipes. Yes, pumpkin and all.

And to those who might feel I owe it to you (even in advance), I (begrudgingly) apologize. By the time I start the Halloween posts and recipes you'll probably already be sick of them. But face it, If You Give a Moose a Muffin in October . . . it's bound to be pumpkin. 

For the record, don't even try to leave, you cannot run away from me. I've gotten used to having readers so you may as well know that I will hunt you down and haunt your dreams.

Love You Forever
love you for always.
As long as I'm writing,
my readers you'll be.

Well, that may be a bit more ominous than the mom in The Runaway Bunny, who tells her little bunny that if he runs away she will run after him, but then we are talking about Halloween here after all. I'm just getting into character.

Never fear, once the month culminates in one long night of spooky costumes and candy consuming binges, like that caterpillar I will encase myself in a witch's cape protective cocoon and . . . 

Goodnight pumpkins, 
Goodnight Moon.
In just eleven short months . . . 
we'll meet again soon.

Baking In A Tornado signature | www.BakingInATornado.com | #MyGraphics

Chocolate Cookies and Cream Cheesecake        

Printable Recipe

1 package Oreo cookies
6 TBSP butter, melted

2 packages (8oz) cream cheese, room temperature
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 TBSP baking cocoa
2 TBSP chocolate syrup
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup heavy cream
3 eggs, room temperature

*Grease a 9 inch springform pan. On the outside of the pan, wrap a sheet of tin foil around the bottom and partially up the sides of the pan. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
*Place 8 cookies into a plastic bag, close and pound to small chunks but not crumbs. Set aside.
*Place the rest of the cookies into a food processor and crush to crumbs. Mix these crumbs with the butter and press into and partially up the sides of the springform pan.
*Beat the cream cheese, sugar, brown sugar, baking cocoa and chocolate syrup until smooth. Beat in the sour cream, heavy cream, then the eggs, one at a time. Mix in the reserved cookie chunks.
*Pour the filling into the prepared crust. Bake for 60 to 75 minutes, until the center is just set.
*Remove from the oven and allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
*To serve: gently run a knife around the cheesecake before removing the side of the springform pan.
*Store leftovers, covered, in refrigerator.


  1. Adorable! Oreo crust, yum. Leftovers I think would be very itsy!

    1. Ha ha, well, we didn't have leftovers, but that's because my son took them home with him.

  2. LOL well I DID share a pumpkin recipe that I baked in July! I couldn't help myself. But I will refrain from any cute/scary desserts another week.
    Dessert look and sounds great but you're killing me with all this chocolate that I can't have!! So mean! And here I thought you loved me. jk but I can have cheesecake, which I WILL be making this week. Mmmm
    Spatulas On Parade

    1. When I made this one after having recently made the Apple Pie Cheesecake, my older son said "I think you should make a cheesecake every week". Trying to decide if I should take that as a complement or a challenge.

  3. Can't wait! Soooo cute!
    And as long as you're writing,
    Your reader I'll be!

  4. That cheesecake looks a little to tempting to avoid...and I find that scary! Lol! ;) Where has this year gone...the more the years go by I find myself just noticing the calendar pages flipping by at a very quick pace....

    Also-how awesome is it that you have been writing for 6 years? Keep it up my friend. <3

    1. I was just thinking that about this year myself. It seems like I set up all of the documents and spreadsheets for the 2018 challenges just a few days ago. Now 2018 is almost over.

  5. Thank you! I don't even do anything fallish until October 1st!


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