Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Cannot Tell a Lie

I Cannot Tell a LIe, National Rationalization Day | Graphic designed by and property of www.BakingInATornado.com | #MyGraphics
I cannot tell a lie. 

Rationalization, however, is a whole other story. Or is it?
Today is National Rationalization Day. I'll just wait here for my crown. There is one, right? For being the queen of rationalization. I hope there's a monetary prize too.

We've all had to find some new ways to pass the days while staying home and trying to stay safe for the past year. I talked about having become a Big Game Huntress, but that hobby played (get that little play on words there?) itself out already. Something I do from time to time is to check the Fun and Bizarre Holidays and Celebrations list. Sometimes for writing inspiration, sometimes just for a laugh. I think my favorite one so far is May 1st, which is apparently officially World Naked Gardening Day. In case you're considering buying the house next door, let me assure you that particular holiday is one I may write about but have no intention of participating in. My luck I'd prune something important vital. So to speak.

Today's holidays struck me first of all because I'm gifted with the superpower of taking rationalization to an art form. It's not that I can really take all the credit for that, It's something parenting will do to you. Not that I'm trying to rationalize rationalization or anything.

But what had me laughing is another of the "holidays" celebrated today, Pinocchio Day. As someone familiar with the attempted vindication (or at the very least mitigation) of a justification defense, it's as clear as the nose on your face that if rationalization had a physical persona, it would be Pinocchio. 
As current reigning queen of rationalization (in my house, anyway), it is incumbent upon me to defend myself. I think a good place to start would be with the master of truth, George Washington, famous for his honesty. As the story goes, at the age of six, he took a hatchet to his father's cherry tree. When confronted by his angry father, little George stated that he could not tell a lie and admitted his guilt. His father then celebrated his son for being truthful. 

The truth? "I cannot tell a lie" is a lie.

Wake up, people. First of all, what 6 year old tells the truth? Ever. And what angry father is going to be all excited because his beloved cherry tree was chopped down by a truth teller?
In later years, when asked about the story, Washington's biographer explained that after Washington's death, people were anxious to learn more about such a revered man so he offered up the story to symbolize the president's virtues. Rationalization, Mr. biographer? Methinks so.

So if the truth, even about the truth, is not the truth? Precedent, your honor. At least I don't lie to the masses about a historical figure. My little falsehoods are way more, I don't know, benign.

Like when my boys were little and I'd say "no, there are no vegetables in that casserole," as I hid them under the sauce? It's not a lie if it's for the greater good, and everyone knows that it's a parent's responsibility to be sure their kids eat a well-balanced diet.

All in One Chicken Casserole: chicken, ham and vegetables on a bed of hash browns, smothered in sauce, and baked in one pan. | Recipe developed by www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipe #dinner

All in One Chicken Casserole
All in One Chicken Casserole: chicken, ham and vegetables on a bed of hash browns, smothered in sauce, and baked in one pan. | Recipe developed by www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipe #dinner

Or when, to incessant whining, I had to say "no" to fast food for lunch for the 987th time that week, I had to explain that McDonald's is closed on Monday? Well, see above excuse rational explanation.

When Hubs used to fly to NY for work one week every month, and I'd tell the kids that it was bedtime when it was actually not for another hour? Well, it was dark, I was tired, no harm, no foul, right? And they're still alive, aren't they?
And when Hubs was back home on the weekend and I'd tell him I needed to run a quick errand and somehow end up in a coffee shop with a friend? That was my errand. I never said it wasn't. And coffee and conversation are basic human needs, after all.

Yes, I may be guilty of a rampant rationalization, but at least I didn't chop down a cherry tree. 

National Tootsie Roll Day | Picture taken by and property of www.BakingInATornado.com | #humor #funny

By the way, there's a third national celebration day today, a sweet one. It's National Tootsie Roll day.

I'll take mine in a pop, please. And NOT a banana one. There are a lot of things you can rationalize. Banana Tootsie Pops aren't among them.

Baking In A Tornado signature | www.BakingInATornado.com | #MyGraphics

All in One Chicken Casserole

Printable Recipe

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 tsp garlic powder
12 oz shredded potatoes
1 egg
1 green onion, chopped
1/4 cup green pepper, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
3/4 cup poppy seed salad dressing
1/2 cup orange marmalade
1 packet Italian dressing mix
2 TBSP sweet hot mustard
10 oz frozen mixed vegetables
4 oz chopped ham

*Grease an 8 X 8 baking dish. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
*Cut the chicken breasts into bite sized pieces and set aside.
*Mix the potato shreds, egg, green onion, salt, and pepper together. Press firmly into the bottom of the prepared dish.
*Evenly distribute the vegetables over the potatoes. Mix together the ham and chicken, then add to the baking dish.
*Whisk together the salad dressing, orange marmalade, salad dressing mix, and sweet hot mustard. Pour over the ham and chicken. Cover with tin foil.
*Bake for 30 minutes. Carefully remove foil and bake another 30 minutes, making sure the chicken is fully cooked.


  1. The all in one chicken casserole. It has hubby's name on it And mine!
    Carol Cassara

  2. Yep. The crown is yours. The bank is depleated, though, so no monetary prize. Sorry bout that.
    LOVE the rationalizations! Of course getting vegetables into your kids by hook or by crook is acceptable. And by clever sleight of hand and tongue? Even more so.

    1. Yeah, I think we've all been there before with the vegetables.

  3. Sounds like a yummy supper. And as for "naked gardening day" the closest I ever got, or will get, to that is when biting ants crawled up my jeans and (screaming) I shed them on the way into the house. Fortunately we live in the country so there were no neighboring eyes on me.

    1. I have a similar memory only it was a bee and it had gone up my shirt.

  4. Wow - get out of my head, I was going to make a Chicken Casserole this evening as well.

    1. Great minds think alike, and it really has been chicken casserole weather lately.

  5. I’ll have a pop too as I value my fillings. My children a different generation, I hid nothing. I put them on the table and expected them to be eaten. As they became older, ok you don’t like it, don’t eat it, but no comments. Grandson not my problem, thank goodness. I would pinch his head off at meal time.

  6. Oh dear. My spouse has several food rules. One of them is "never mix fruit and meat". On the other hand, orange marmalade and chicken, I bet, is a really good combo. I've heard of No Pants Subway Riding day each January(you do wear undies)which got cancelled this year, as you could expect, by COVID. But not naked gardening. The way I attract biting insects, I'll pass on that one. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

    1. That fruit and meat rule is unfortunate, you're missing out on so many really good flavor profiles.

  7. Just so you know, World Naked Gardening Day is not always on May 1, it is simply always on the first Saturday in May. As for Pinocchio day, it's the anniversary of the Disney film release.

    Just proving my theory, there is always something to celebrate. That casserole should maybe get a day of its own, too, it looks good.

    1. I knew that about Pinocchio Day because I looked into it for this post, but I didn't know that about World Naked Gardening Day. Interesting.

  8. I've been known to search out the "holidays" when I'm looking for blog inspiration, too.

  9. I like a casserole sadly Tim doesn't.
    As a child I could lie with a straight face but laugh when trying to tell the truth

    1. That's unusual, it must have been interesting trying to figure out a conversation with you.


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