Welcome to a monthly Fly on the Wall group post. Today 2 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house. At the end of my post you’ll find links to this month’s other participants’ posts.
A commercial for toe fungus spray came on.
Me: You need that.
Hubs: Toe fungus spray?
Me: Yes.
Me: Yes.
Hubs: No, I don't.
Me: Yes, you do.
Hubs takes off his socks, looks at his feet.
Hubs: No, I don't.
Me: I know.
Imagine my surprise, the other day, when the notification wasn't an interaction, but what FB has decided is vital information.
Apparently, after all these years, I've earned a badge for being a top contributor . . . to my own group . . .
I had hurt my toe and was limping. I tried not to let anyone see, as I didn't want to explain. But, of course, Hubs saw.
Hubs: You're limping.
Me: I'm fine.
Hubs: Your toe is a little swollen. Did you stub it on something.
Me: No.
Hubs: What then?
Me: Ummm.
Hubs: Ummm?
Me: OK, fine, a banana fell on it.
I bet you can all see him rolling his eyes.
When I have bananas that have browned, I freeze them for baking. I had opened the freezer and a frozen banana fell out from the top shelf (note to self: don't freeze bananas on the top shelf) onto my toe.
Hubs walks into our office, where I'm comfortably sitting back in the recliner by the window and reading my Kindle.
Hubs: Want to help me with some painting in the upstairs guest room?
Me: Sure. Are you in a rush?
Hubs: No, no rush.
Me: How about you get started and I'll help when I finish this book?
Hubs: That's fine.
A half hour later Hubs comes back into the office.
Hubs: Weren't you going to come help when you finished your book?
Me: Yes.
Hubs: I'm mostly done up there, how far along are you?
Me: Just started chapter 5.
I was bringing some red potatoes out of the pantry to the kitchen to serve with dinner. I slipped on something, I don't even know what. I didn't fall down but as I was flailing trying to regain my balance, the potatoes dropped to the floor.
Of course, Hubs came around the corner to see my hands in the air and the potatoes falling to the floor.
Hubs: What are you doing?
Me (exasperated): What does it look like, I'm juggling.
Me (exasperated): What does it look like, I'm juggling.
Hubs: I don't think that's how it's done.
Oven Barbecued Country Style Ribs
Turns out he was only half listening to me.
Me: Do you know the whole story about the Preakness, a horse was euthanized right on the track and the jockey is in the hospital.
Hubs: A jockey euthanized on the track?
Me: Ummm, no, I'm pretty sure they don't do that. But I gotta say, that would be the epitome of a bad day at the office.
Me: Ummm, no, I'm pretty sure they don't do that. But I gotta say, that would be the epitome of a bad day at the office.
Hubs was walking through the den and glanced over my shoulder while I was playing Phrazle on my laptop.
Hubs: What's that?
Me: A game.
Me: A game.
Hubs: How do you play?
Me: I have six tries to guess the well known phrase. I just made my third guess.
Me: I have six tries to guess the well known phrase. I just made my third guess.
Hubs looks at the bottom line:
Hubs: Cheer the fart? That's your choice of a well known phrase?
Me: Well . . .
Hubs (walking away, rolling his eyes, and mumbling under his breath): Bet you don't win this game very often.
I had been out on the back deck trying to take pictures of a recipe for a blog post. Hubs was in the kitchen when I came in.
Hubs: Did you get some good pictures.
Me (exasperated): No.
Hubs: No? How is that possible, you've been out there for an hour.
Me: I spent the whole time trying to pick that flying cottonwood off of the plate.
Hubs: So . . . how much cottonwood will I be eating in my dinner tonight?
Me: Don't worry, I Googled it, it's fiber.
Hubs: You know what? I have a sudden craving for Chinese food . . .
It was a beautiful afternoon, not a cloud in the sky.
Hubs: Are you planning to use the grill tonight?
Me: No, why?
Hubs: Just trying to decide whether to turn the sprinklers on.
Me: Well, if you don't want to turn them on, I could uncover the grill, make Mother Nature think I'm going to use it . . .
Hubs: It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.
Did he just sound like a commercial from the 70s?
I'll end today with what I'd like to blame on autocorrect, but was actually my own typing too fast screw up.
I had posted this to FB:
To which a friend had responded "again?"
I thought I'd be funny and answer her with "have you been peeping in my windows?" Except I left out a "p," saying "have you been peeing in my windows?"
Oops not at all what I meant to accuse her of . . . edit . . . quick.
Now click on the links below for a peek into some other homes:
Oven Barbecued Country Style Ribs
about 5# pork loin country-style ribs, bone in
about 5# pork loin country-style ribs, bone in
3 tsp pepper
2 1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 1/2 tsp onion salt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp dried mustard
1/2 red onion, chopped
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup apple bourbon
1 cup barbecue sauce of your choice
1/4 cup brown sugar
*Rinse the ribs and pat dry. Mix together the pepper, garlic powder, onion salt, cayenne, cumin, and dried mustard. Sprinkle over and pat onto all sides of the ribs. Cover in tin foil and refrigerate for 24 to 36 hours.
*Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Spray a 9 X 13 baking pan with nonstick spray. Add the onion, apple cider vinegar and apple bourbon.
*Place the ribs in the pan, meaty side down, cover tightly with heavy tin foil and cook for 1 1/2 hours. Be very careful taking off the foil, the steam will be hot. Turn the ribs over, recover, and cook another 1 1/2 hours.
*Mix together the barbecue sauce and the brown sugar. Pour over the ribs, recover, and cook for another hour.
From Menopausal Mother: The jockey comment is too funny and hey, I'm all about cheering the farts!
ReplyDeleteHow can you get mad at someone not listening to you when you end up laughing that hard?
DeleteYou guys are funny. That recipe sounds good.
ReplyDeleteAlways gotta remember to laugh, even if it's at ourselves.
DeleteBest one ever! Congratulations on becoming a top contributor in your own group. I guess the real blow would be...not contributing to your own group? Husby’s wrong. That IS how you juggle potatoes...and frozen bananas.
ReplyDeleteLoved this one Karen!
I'll give Hubs your message!
DeleteOk this made me laugh not a pretty sight as my girls say I look like an old Asian woman when I laugh they have aid that for years and I would say I am not old or Asian........
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter how you look when you laugh, just that you do laugh.
DeleteI used to be pretty good at building rashes, and nowadays, I can even grope a name or two with the best of them.
DeleteThe ribs look delish!
ReplyDeleteThey were. I'd never made country style ribs before, but we'll have them again.
DeleteYou need another LOL. There it is. I am Top Contributor on my Dodson Page. I spent a whole week trying to generate interest. We are a dull bunch, but I did win top contributor. In fact Facebook is so generous, that a couple of shares will get you there. Donna
ReplyDeleteI don't know how generous they are, it took me about 10 years to get this badge.
DeleteHeeheehee! Funny stuff, well, except for the toe. It's never fun to have an injured toe.
ReplyDeleteOn my blog where i talked about my husband having a chain on his phone, you mentioned men can just put it in a pocket. That's the problem, he's absent minded (he loses his glasses several times a day, car keys, wallet, you name it) and he takes the phone out of his pocket every time he sits down. Then he walks away from it. He's left it at restaurants and other businesses, and half the time can't even remember where it is at the house. Having a chain is the best solution. And i need to get a "key tag" so he can find those, too. The glasses, well, he won't wear a librarian chain so i'm out of luck there.
Oh, I hear ya. Hubs once left his phone on the shelf in the coat closet.