Thursday, October 4, 2012

Secret Subject Swap

Welcome to a “Secret Subject Swap”.  Nine brave bloggers agreed to take on the challenge of being assigned a subject and interpreting it into a piece written in our own style.  Everyone involved picked a “secret subject” for someone else and was also assigned a “secret subject” to write about.  Today we are all divulging what we were assigned and submitting our posts. 

Secret Subject Swap | |  #MyGraphics

Here are links to all 9 sites featuring “Secret Subject Swap” posts today.  We’ve certainly succeeded in amusing ourselves, check them all out and see if we can amuse you too!

Follow me home . . .        
Happy Little Feet 
Stacy Sews and Schools
Sorry kid, Your Mom Doesn't Play Well With Others
Baking In A Tornado
Life on Peanut Layne
Dino Hero Mommy
My Brain on Kids
Mom of Big A little a

My  subject is “I can’t believe the time I . . . ”  It was submitted by Sorry kid, Your Mom Doesn't Play Well With Others . Thanks so much, Ashley, for prompting me to publicly tell this embarrassing story.   The truth of the matter is I now have no shame (I do have kids after all) so I would probably be a little less mortified, but I was truly embarrassed to death when this happened.  Here goes:    

When I was just out of college and working, I lived in an apartment with a roommate.  My apartment was on the third floor of your average brick building in an apartment complex.  There were 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, dining room and a living room with a sliding glass door onto a small deck (looking across at another building in the complex, with a parking lot below).  Now that I’ve set the scene, let me tell you this: I did not clean this apartment.  I’m very neat and that misleads people. They think everything put away is clean but it’s not, it’s just neat.  So I’ve always had someone come in and clean for me, even when living in an apartment.  That’s part of what makes the situation I got myself into even more unbelievable.

Late one Saturday morning I was in my apartment in my PJs. At the time PJs were very short sleep shorts and a tank top, no underwear of course, hair sticking straight up and mascara smudged onto my cheeks.  My roommate had just left for work and would return in about 6 hours.  I don’t know what (or who) possessed me, but I grabbed the Windex (don’t even know how I knew where to find it) and wiped down the sliding glass door.  I then went out the slider onto the deck to clean the outside of the door.  When I shut the door to clean it I heard “click”.  I will never forget that sound.  I actually finished cleaning the door, either to take the time to convince myself I wasn’t locked out, or because I was in shock, or because I was putting off the inevitable.  Either way, I finally pulled that handle and knew I was trapped.  Like an animal in a cage I assessed my surroundings. No way up, no way down.  

I have no idea how long I was out there before someone in the building across from me came out onto their deck to water some plants.  I looked down at myself and I didn’t call to her.  Clearly I hadn’t been out there long enough to be able to swallow every iota of pride and call attention to myself.  A short while later someone came out the door of the building across from mine and was getting into a car.  I tried to call out, I really did, I opened my mouth but nothing came out.  The water-the-plants person came out again, but just as I was going to call out, a bunch of people spilled into the parking lot.  I had prepared myself for one person to think me a fool, but I wasn’t going to make it a group sport. 

I had been out there a good 7 years (or so it felt) when someone else in the building across from mine came onto a deck.  I didn’t know how many more chances I would have (OK, the truth of the matter is that I had quite a bit of coffee and I had to go to the bathroom). So I called out.  “Excuse me."  Nothing.  Face it, how many people alone on their deck think someone in another building is yelling to them.  “EXCUSE ME!”  She looked over, phew.  “I’m actually locked out here."   Her answer: “I’m not sure what I can do."  Oh, good, I picked a genius. “Well, could you call the apartment complex office and give them my apartment number?”  She agreed and went inside.  And didn’t come back out . . . and still didn’t . . . and still didn’t.  Now it’s getting hot, I'm not just a wreck any more I’m a wilting wreck.   And I’m hungry.  Between the heat and the hunger I could waste away out here.  Some day when they try to re-rent this apartment they’ll find my bones.

Meringue Bones | |  #recipe #Halloween
Meringue Bones

Finally she came back out, but didn’t say anything to me. “Did you call?” I yelled.  “The line was busy” she answered.  I’m thinking if I ever get off this deck I’m gonna hunt her down.  I may not even shower first. “Could you try again?” (the “you idiot” was implied but, in light of my situation, not spoken). She agreed and went inside.  And didn’t come back out . . . and still didn’t . . . and still didn’t. 

Suddenly the door to my apartment opened and in walked one of the women who worked in the office.  She walked over to my slider, unlocked it, turned around and walked out my front door. She never said a single word.  I can tell you for sure, if I had just let a woman in her PJs into her house from a locked deck, I definitely would have said something. Well, after I finished pointing and laughing, that is. 

If I were ever to clean a slider again (I won’t, and I have two of them in my home) it would be in full make-up, hair styled, dressed in clean clothes, shoes (and underwear), and holding a cell phone, a walkie talkie, a satellite phone, a ladder and a bunch of sheets tied together. To this day I can’t believe the time I . . .  locked myself out on my deck in my PJs.

Baking In A Tornado signature | |  #MyGraphics

     Meringue Bones

Printable Recipe

3 egg whites (use those yolks and make a Key Lime pie)
¼ tsp cream of tartar
Pinch of salt
2/3 cup suar
1 tsp vanilla

*Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Cover 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper.
*Beat egg whites with cream of tartar and salt until foamy.
*Gradually add sugar, beating until glossy and firm.  Beat in vanilla.
*Spoon into piping bag or into a gallon sized bag and cup off tip.
*Pipe into 3 inch bones, one long line with “bone” shapes on either end (see picture above).
*Bake about an hour.  Watch them towards the end, don’t let them brown.
*Shut off oven and let sit inside for an hour.
*Remove carefully, DON'T BREAK YOUR BONES!


  1. Hahahaha....what a fun post idea! Love it!

  2. ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, that is GREAT!!!


    Yes, I am one of those people that probably would have stood on the other side trying to get a grip on myself before letting you in! ;)

    1. Right? To this day I can't figure out how she kept from laughing at me.

  3. OH what a great prompt...oh how scary and embarrassing all together. I would have been a crying mess babe. This was so much fun to do, you should plan this again...I'll help you babe.

    1. Happy to do it again if enough people are interested. Second one would be easy as I've kept a file and copies of emails, it's all organized. We'll see who's in!

  4. Hahahaa! I'm only laughing with you, not at you. I'm lying. Totally laughing at you, because it sounds like something I'd do. Great question, Ashley! Great answer, K. I love the reasoning you now have to never clean a glass door in your life. That's why we're friends :)

  5. THAT. WAS.AWESOME...I am so glad I got a laugh this morning! It sounds like something that would without a doubt happen to me, I can't believe that lady was going to just let you sit out there and let a busy signal stop her...You should add a locksmith kit to your list! I locked myself out so many times I watched you tube videos and practiced how to pick locks....

    1. OOh, a locksmith kit, why didn't I think of that, LOL!

  6. People are so weird! I would have gone to the office and dragged someone back if the line was busy. I'd have thrown you cookies and kept you company. I hope you neighbor got stuck on her balcony and thought of you later. Very funny!

    1. Thanks, you're just the kind of friend someone needs in a crisis. I would have been so grateful I wouldn't have even been mad when it was all over and you couldn't stop laughing at me!

  7. Funny, I can't say I've done that one, but I come pretty close. I locked myself out of the house while hanging a shirt on the clothesline to "air dry" in the backyard. The funny thing is we had just moved into this house and there was no clothesline, so I had to put on the wet shirt and walk around to the front and ring the doorbell to be let in.

    1. LOL, now that would make a great post of your own!

  8. Okay this is totally something that would happen to me! Note to self: Never ever clean slider doors (not that I do anyways). This made me laugh my butt off! Hilarious story Karen! Thank you for creating the secret subject swap and for asking me to participate :)

  9. How did I miss this?! I'd LOVE to get in on this, if you ever do it again. Sounds like such a fun idea!

    That was hilarious.....sorry, I laughed, mostly because it's something I would do as well.

    1. I posted on FB and twitter, obviously not enough, would have loved to have had you. If I do it again I'll contact you directly!

    2. I can make that happen, easily, if people are interested.

  10. I'm finally getting around to reading all the swap posts!! This is howlarious!!! But, what asses some people are!!!

    1. LOL, but those people make for GREAT future blog posts!

  11. Hahaha!!! This is one funny NO hilarious story, Karen! Good thing it wasn't winter! Hahaha!

    1. It's one of those "not funny at the time but you'll laugh about this later" stories!

  12. Thank you for sharing your story sweetie! That was fun hehe xoxo

  13. haha, this is hilarious! love it! i found you from Life on Peanut Layne! i'm your newest follower! :)


    1. Glad you took advantage of the swap and jumped over. Thanks for following!

  14. Ha! Love it!! I would have been mortified! I would have also found things to throw at that woman across the way!! I found you over at the blog hop! Happy to add you :) Can't wait to read the other's challenges :)

    1. Couldn't throw anything at her, I needed her, LOL! Every one of the other posts in the challenge are well worth reading!

  15. Haha! This is something I would so do!! I've locked myself out of my house and car so many times, it isn't funny. AAA sent me a letter cutting me off. Who knew they even do that?? Anyway, hilarious! If you guys do this again, I'd love to join in the fun. What a great idea. :)

    1. Wow, cut off by AAA, I'm in awe. SO many people have asked me today that although this was going to be one time only, I've already taken a bunch of sign ups for the next one. I'll get in touch with you on twitter.

  16. LOL! I enjoyed this post so much! Love the idea!

    Happy Weekending!

    1. Thanks, had no idea it would grow like this but everyone really enjoyed it.

  17. I had become so adept at breaking into my parent's home with a credit card that I assumed it would work easily on the door of MY home. I only succeeded in chipping the wood...significantly.

    1. LOL, those darn doors, once we figure them out they go and make it harder on us!

  18. Awesome idea! I'll be stopping back during the weekend to read these :)

    Thanks for linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party!


    1. Please do read them all, they are written by really talented women.

  19. Excellent reasoning to get out of cleaning sliders. ;)

    Following you from the hop. :)

    1. Any reason is an excellent reason to get out of cleaning sliders, LOL!

  20. Great job with the prompt! You really made it your own. That's what you get for attempting your own cleaning. I hope you learned your lesson and let someone else do it the next time!

    1. Oh, I learned my lesson alright. A traumatic experience will do that to you, LOL.

  21. Wonderful segue into the Merangue Bones (and a great photo as well)! I'm sorry you got locked out, and, although it hasn't happened to me (yet), I would have called that woman "idiot" for not keeping me posted at least. I'm glad you were "rescued" - that will teach you to clean!

    1. LOL, I really had to work at getting the baking into this one! And the cleaning, oh yeah, I learned my lesson!

  22. Hi Karen -- LOVE this story! I don't clean either, though not due to any traumatic experiences, I don't think -- usually because i can never find anything afterward. All of my domestic traumas happen in the kitchen! :) Love this Secret Subject Swap! Maybe I'll join in next time!

    1. Secret Subject Swap was supposed to be a one time deal, but within hours of the posts going up I was overwhelmed with requests for another. Sign ups are now. I'll get in touch with you on FB.

  23. Haha oh no! It happens from time to time. Atleast you can laugh about it now. :) Those bones look super cute & sound yummy. I'm bookmarking this post, :) I promise I won't reread it.


    1. Took me a lot of years to even think about it without turning red but yes, I'm now able to laugh.

  24. Oh my goodness. I would have been in total panic mode as soon as i heard that "click". I can't believe the lady across the street. I would have seriously had a mouthful for her I think, after of course I knew she'd called someone. Thank you so much for the laugh!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it. Hope you got a chance to check out some of the other Secret Subject Swap posts, they're all great.

  25. These look like so much fun. I like this recipe so much that it will be FEATURED this week on Tasty Thursdays at The Mandatory Mooch. The party will be live tonight!!

    Thanks, Nichi

    1. WOW, a feature. Thank you so much, that's really exciting. I'll stop by and check it out!

  26. LOL it had to be you!!!Ha!!! I'm so sorry but your story is funny as all heck!!! the moral of the story is...Don't Clean!!! it could be embarrassing!
    oh by the way...I'm pinning your bones! They are lots of fun!Thanks rock! Hugs, Lizy

    1. Pinning my bones? There has to be a joke in there somewhere!!!


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