Friday, June 13, 2014

June Use Your Words

Today’s post is a monthly writing challenge. If you’re new here, this is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

Use Your Words, a monthly group writing challenge | developed by and graphic property of | #bloggingchallenge #MyGraphics

At the end of this post you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out, see what words they got and how they used them.
I’m using incoherent ~ bologna ~ hysterical ~ hole in one ~ coffee ~ coexist
They were submitted by The Bergham's Life Chronicles.

Coffee. Every day starts with coffee. I’d be incoherent without it. Some say I’m incoherent with it, but that’s another post for another day. Truth is, my sanity, what little of it remains after raising two boys, is tied to the level of coffee running through my veins on any particular morning.

Anyone play golf? I never have. I always said that if I really wanted to go for a walk, I don’t have to hit a little ball every once in a while to do it, I’d just walk. But if you are a golfer, you’ll get this; my first sip of coffee in the morning? It’s my hole in one.

But once, ONCE, I ran out of coffee. In a raging snowstorm. I don’t know how it happened than and I can assure you that it hasn’t happened since. Not only did that day epitomize the word ‘panic”, but I literally could not function. Rational thought and I were completely unable to coexist.

If you’re here you know, of course, that I blog. No, I was not stupid enough to try to write on a day without coffee. I knew not to even attempt that, although in retrospect the result may very well have been hysterical. Epic? Perhaps. But a lesson in futility as I’m sure it wouldn’t have ended up on the blog.

I did, however, have to make dinner. I thought bout telling the family that we wouldn’t be eating that night because of the whole coffee debacle, but even I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t have to write but I would have to cook.

Roasted Style Grilled Chicken | recipe developed by | #recipe #dinner

Roasted-style Grilled Chicken

As I frequently do, I decided to try something new. I do this as often as possible because new recipes often take time and a few different attempts before they develop into something I want to put on the blog. So when something comes to mind as a starting point, I need to go with it.

But on this particular day, due to my caffeine handicap (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it), dinner was not exactly a success. In fact, I was banned from tweaking it and threatened with losing my kitchen privileges altogether.

Family (yes, all of them): Yuck, Mom, this might be the worst dinner you ever made. What in the world did you wrap this chicken breast in?
Me: Ummmm, bologna?

Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time . . .

Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Roasted-style Grilled Chicken
Printable Recipe
3 # boneless skinless chicken breasts
¼ cup oil
2 TBSP lemon juice
1 TBSP dijon mustard
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp thyme
¼ tsp cayenne
1 tsp paprika
*Cut each piece of chicken in half. Place into re-sealable gallon sized plastic bag.
*Mix all of the rest of the ingredients together and pour into bag with the chicken. Close bag and manipulate the chicken and marinade around so all of the chicken is covered with marinade.
*Refrigerate for at least 3 hours and up to a day, turning the bag over in the fridge at least a few times.
*Grease your grill grates before starting the grill. Heat the grill to medium heat and take chicken pieces from the marinade and grill, turning once, until fully cooked and juices run clear. This should take approximately 15 minutes per side.


  1. I feel your pain! I have been out of Coca Cola before and I am the same way. I can't imagine what it would have been like for you to run out of coffee right in the middle of a snow storm. You used "co-exist" very well in this post. Great read.

    1. So glad you enjoyed it. I always have so much fun trying to work my words into something that makes sense.

  2. These are such fun posts to read! Your chicken looks like the perfect weeknight dinner!

    1. I love roasted chicken so this, to me, is the perfect way to get the flavors without turning on the oven.

  3. Oh, I am a self-confessed member of CZAA (Coke Zero Addicts Anonymous), I get what you're saying. One stressful day at the office I ran out of my cold coffeine, and I debated with myself if it was appropriate to send my assistant to go and get me some or if I could sneak out between meetings. I did feel like a junkie, but hey, it was to everybody's benefit, really.
    So you were cooking while on withdrawal - what is your family's excuse to say "yuck"?

    1. LOL, my kids often say "yuck". I thought they'd outgrow it but no such luck.

  4. Ha... Had me smiling (as I sip my beloved coffee). You & I are just "Coffee Freak-a-Zoid's" and that's that!!! I grew up on bologna sandwiches & love them to this day with mustard, cheese, & tomatoes with a side of fritos. And a tall glass of cold milk. Yummers!!!

    The chicken looks delish... Enjoyed, Slu

    ps: have missed your blog... sorry

    1. I know exactly what you're saying about still loving the foods you grew up with, every now and then I still sneak a fluffernutter.

  5. You are NOT a woman to mess with if you haven't had your daily does of caffeine. Remind me to bring you a cup of coffee if we ever get the chance to meet…….

  6. Hilarious!!!! I don't do coffee but I still need my caffeine!!!

  7. I want that grilled chicken for dinner! It's pretty much mostly what I eat nowwadays, and salmon, while training for my Tough Mudder!

    1. Oh, I love salmon. It's so hard for me to be in the Midwest where there's no fresh seafood. So chicken, it is!

  8. BOLOGNA? Really? I don't do coffee but the last two days I was traveling and speaking in two different cities. Up at 5 in the a.m. on the road to the gig and then back home. I actually had some coffee and started talking so fast they could hardly understand me -- better for me to stick with decaf. But I must know -- did you really do the chicken like that?

    1. Well, if I did I certainly wouldn't admit it . . . or did I?

  9. I've always been a tea girl until very recently. I've switched over to the strong stuff...and my day off I don't have it now!

    That chicken looks divine :)

  10. I'm still wrapping my head around the bologna-wrapped chicken idea. I think we'd say "yuck", too... no offense. But, in retrospect, anything done while in the throes of caffeine withdrawal should be forgiven.

    1. Absolutely. You can bet no one around here is eve going to let me run out of coffee again!

  11. Oh this is so great. Live and learn, right? Maybe an emergency stash of coffee and keeping the bologna up high would help? ;)

    1. I now have a full can of coffee in my freezer at all times. Can't say I didn't learn my lesson!

  12. Tell me you did not wrap chicken in bologna?!!!

    I loved this post. Thanks for using my/your/our words so wonderfully!

    I'll forgive you for running out of coffee. Just this once though. Never again. I think you possibly love coffee as much as I do. It's honestly my favorite non-human thing in existence. Literally.

    Seriously though.... chicken stuffed bologna? Ugh.

  13. You had some tough words, but you pulled it off. Great post! I am not sure if I would have eaten the bologna wrapped chicken either.

    1. No, bologna wrapped chicken could probably be classified as torture.

  14. I love trying new recipes too. This one definitely is worth a try, especially the grilling season just started off! ;) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for visiting, seems we have a love of trying new recipes in common.

  15. My meats shall not meet. I have a weird thing about mixing animals. I don't even really like meat so if you try to put more than one kind with another my brain explodes.

    I love what you did with your words!!! And I love coming to you for family doesn't share my weird affliction.....

    1. Ha ha, you need a t-shirt made "My meats shall not meet". That'll get some conversations started!


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