Friday, June 17, 2016

Fly on the Wall: Nature's Gone Quackers

Welcome to a monthly Fly on the Wall group post. Today 8 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house. At the end of my post you’ll find links to this month’s other participants’ posts.

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

I put the boys' swing set up for sale on Craig's List. We stipulated that whoever bought it would need to take it down and move it. 

The first person to call purchased it. After he had moved it, there were a few stakes left in the ground which I removed and put by the garage door to be thrown out. 

College Boy comes home and walks into the house.

College Boy: Mom, what are the stakes on the driveway for?
Me: Oh, they were left behind by the guy who bought the swing set. I stuck them out front to be put in the trash.
College Boy: Well, at least they aren't to drive into my heart.
Me: What? Why would you say a thing like that?
College Boy: Says the woman who just sold my childhood.

OUCH. Guess he drove that stake into my heart.

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

College Boy comes by his sweet tooth naturally. He acquired it in utero.

But one night it seemed like he was in the kitchen every 10 minutes. First for ice cream, then for my Pretzel Sandwich Snacks, and then a third time for cookies.

Me: You know you can't just keep eating sweets all night long.
College Boy: Hush.
Me: {{blink, blink}}.

And just like that, the kid had figured out how to stun me into silence.

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

It's actually one of a very few nice days this Spring. College Boy leaves to go swimming with friends. After less than an hour he comes home angry. It's raining.

College Boy: Thanks a lot, Mom.
Me: Me? What did I do?
College Boy: You ruined the day. It's raining.
Me: And that's my fault?
College Boy: Let me guess, you're planning a dinner that's cooked on the grill.
Me: Well, yes.
College Boy: I rest my case.

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

It's so funny how we all have our cell phones set up differently. The other night I was making dinner and I'd left my cell phone in the den.

Hubs: Your cell's ringing.
Me: No, that's a text.

A couple of minutes later:

Hubs: Your cell's ringing.
Me: No, that's an email.

A couple of minutes later:

Hubs: Your cell's not ringing.
Me: Actually, this time it is!

  Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

PurDude has been home from school for a month now and I've yet to see him with his eyes open.

So basically, all through those toddler years when I prayed the kid would take a nap? Well, that's come back to bite me in the butt.

And I've even tried making all of his favorite foods too.

Mashed Potato Casserole: mashed potatoes with all the mix-ins for a fluffy flavorful side dish | Recipe developed by | #recipe #potatoes

Mashed Potato Casserole
Mashed Potato Casserole: mashed potatoes with all the mix-ins for a fluffy flavorful side dish | Recipe developed by | #recipe #potatoes

It has been SO rainy and wet this Spring.
How wet, you ask?
Well, apparently these guys came in for a landing when they mistook my back yard for a lake.

Ducks in the backyard | | #wildlife

Has nature gone completely quackers? Imagine my surprise when, that same day, I walked out front and saw this egg just sitting on the driveway by my garage door.

Eggs on the driveway |

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

And wait. There's another one on the driveway by Hubs' garage door.

Who left their egg on my driveway? | | #nature

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

Last month was Mother's Day and College Boy gave me this card:

Mother's Day Card | | #funny #humor

I had a genius way for him to save money and recycle. Change the word "you" on the inside to "Mom", put it in a clean envelope and give it to Hubs for Father's Day.

Genius, right?

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

I have a bank debit card that I use for most purchases. I also have overdraft protection and although we've asked them not to associate that account with any credit card, they sent us one.

Last week I got a replacement debit card. I activated it, shredded my old card and started using the new one.

Bet you know where this is going, right?

The new card, which I'd been using as a debit card, was charging to my overdraft account. Damn it!

So you can imagine the look I got when I went into the bank for a replacement debit card.

Banker: Did you lose your card?
Me: No. I shredded it.

Yeah, it's not just my kids. Apparently bankers roll their eyes at me too.

 Fly on the Wall: multiblogger monthly posts written in snippets of life| | #MyGraphics

Our den has couches and chairs and lots of comfy spots to watch TV. But there's one couch that's just the perfect spot to lay down and watch. So on a Sunday afternoon I rearranged the pillows on that couch, put down a throw and got ready to watch the Red Sox. Perfect.

I go to the bathroom before laying down and as I come out I can see what's happening. PurDude and I are both headed for "my" spot. I'm ahead of him as I round the big chair and am just putting my butt down when he leaps over the chair and coffee table and hits the couch right where my butt is headed. Damn, he beat me.

Me: Get off of this couch!
Him: Get off of me!
Me (admittedly sounding like a 5 year old): I was here first.
Him: Then why are you sitting on me?

So I give him the best spot to watch TV and what does he do? Immediately covers his face with a pillow and falls asleep, of course.

Fly on the Wall, a humorous look at family life. I'm fairly certain there's someone under there. | | #humor #parenting

Now click on the links below for a peek into some other homes:

Baking In A Tornado | | #MyGraphics

Mashed Potato Casserole
Printable Recipe
3 large potatoes
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup milk 
2 green onions, rinsed and chopped 
3 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
1/3 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
3 pats butter
salt and pepper to taste

*Grease a baking dish. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
*Peel, cube and cook the potatoes until soft.
*Mash the potatoes with sour cream and milk. Beat for 1 minute.
*Mix in the green onion, bacon, most of the cheese, butter, salt and pepper.
*Top with the rest of the cheese and sprinkle with paprika.
*NOTE: You can cover and refrigerate at this point for cooking later.
*Bake for about 30 to 40 minutes or until the cheese melts and the top browns.


  1. Our 'Long Slide Park', where my kids grew up just lost its long slide (40 years old and unsafe). Talk about traumatic!
    Ducks be crazy. But their eggs be good eating!
    Mother's Day to Father's Day? Brings a whole new meaning to recycled cards!
    I so love hearing about your family. Your kids are SO like mine!

    1. Love inviting you into my home in this way each month, Diane. You're brave to keep coming back.

  2. I love hearing your stories from the boys being home. Also, I really hope things dry out a little. Although, baking with duck eggs is my favorite. 😊

    1. Yes, it did dry out. In fact, it's been broiling hot here with no rain in sight for days!

  3. Can't wait to try the potatoes! And I have no words for what you put up with regarding the men in your life. :) Maybe give them a minion?

    1. YES, a minion, great idea. Won't do anything for them but will keep me laughing,

  4. I remember that couch!!
    Seems like your "summer" is much like ours. The good news is, it can only get better, right?

    1. Yes, new year but same couch picture. Some things never change.

  5. Those potatoes sound wonderful! I might have to make them this weekend.

    Your cell phone conversation sounds about like mine. DH and I have the same phones, but he has yet to figure out how to give separate tones for each thing. Every time my phone makes a noise, he assumes I'm getting a text.

    1. Oh yeah, I hear you, I thought I was tech challenged until I saw my husband with his cell phone.

  6. So funny! I have to try that potato recipe! Thanks!

  7. Doesn't sound like the apple has fallen far from the tree! This cheesy potato bake would be a good pot luck item.

  8. You sold his childhood? How could you? LOL
    An egg in the drive way? Collect them and you could have a new full nest at home! LOL

    1. Oh great, make me feel worse. . . and no to the eggs, just so we're clear.

  9. I have a different ring tone for each of my notifications on my cell, too, and it drives my hubs bonkers. Just to get back at me, he changed several of his to match mine, so now both of us grab our phones when we hear them. Grrrrrrrr.... Potato recipe looks delicious!

  10. My son, who is in his mid 20's, will sometimes call and demand "remember __________ from my childhood? Where is it?" never mind that he knows we have cleaned some (not all) of his stuff out. After all, who moved into his own place about six years ago. I just love those calls. I am still laughing at someone else who sold their child's childhood. We gave ours to Goodwill. Alana

    1. Yeah, I guess these kids think we should take everything they ever owned, coat it in gold and stick it in a museum. Oh, well, chances are they'll live.

  11. I TOLD you not to sell that swing set! But did you listen? NOOOOOOOOO So, ask not for sympathy when your son makes you feel guilty.

    Don't ducks have nests? What did you do with the eggs?

    1. I know, I know, you told me. But I did it anyway. Need to pay for the groceries for these boys.

  12. I remember being devastated when my mum got rid of our cubby house, even though I was way too old for it when they got it, it was still a horrible reminder we were all getting older.

    I miss the ability to be able to sleep all day, I try it nowadays and I get a five year old sitting on my head, or family members photographing me, because apparently I'll sleep through any noise.

    1. I miss the ability to sleep in all day too. no five year olds sitting on my head, just all the stress that comes with having older kids . . .

  13. OMG! My son sleeps like that all covered up and you wondering how he's even breathing.

    1. Yes, that's pretty much the only way I see him all summer long. I'm constantly pulling the pillows off of his face and he's constantly putting them back on.

  14. Mmmmmmmm. Mashed potatoes. Yum yum yum. Growing up, mashed potatoes were my absolute favorite food.

    Your boys keep me laughing. I think you should keep them.

    What happened with the eggs?!?

    1. Yeah, maybe you should keep them for a while and see how much fun it really is . . .

    2. Only if you'll take Gigi.

      This potatoes are calling to me. Can you tell I'm in potato recipe limbo?! I'm trying to decide on a recipe, so I came here to read a few of yours again. I was nearly certain I wanted your easy Cheesy potatoes, but now... So. Very. Torn.

    3. Why must you have so many delicious options?!?


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