Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Eat Your Way Through St. Patrick's Day

20 Recipes for St. Patrick's Day | graphic created by, featured on, and property of www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipes #MyGraphics

I am not Irish. Well, except for one day a year, when the rest of me may be Russian peasant stock, but my stomach is decidedly Irish. Yes, one day each March I celebrate St. Patrick as if I know who his is (was). And how do I celebrate? My favorite way, with food and drink. 

It's all about the green. Not for those who actually know who St. Patrick was, and why he's celebrated I suppose, but for me, it's all about the green. And playing with your food.

Oh, I make a lot of the traditional foods, maybe not in the traditional way (I make my Corned Beef and Cabbage in the slow cooker), but once a year that's dinner. You can count on it like you can count on someone (usually Chicago but I heard not this year) is going to color a river green, and many someones will be eating green bagels and drinking green beer. 

Today I'm sharing some of my favorite St. Patrick's Day recipes. From breakfast, to lunch, dinner, side dishes and, of course, a green cocktail. 

But I say, let's sing a little Irish ditty ("seven old ladies locked in the lavatory . . ."), and start with dessert.

Below the picture montage, you'll find a link to each of the recipes. I hope you give a few a try. I hope you give them all a try, St. Patrick's Day, or any time.

Start with dessert:

20 Recipes for St. Patrick's Day, Desserts | graphic created by, featured on, and property of www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipes #MyGraphics
These chocolate cupcakes feature a mint cream cheese frosting, and a chocolate drizzle.
These cookies are a little sweet with a burst of citrus.
This cheesecake is infused with white chocolate and a hint of pistachio flavor, and dusted with chopped pistachios.
So easy to make: melt, assemble, cool, and crack.
One bake, two cakes!
A no-bake treat. Mint cookie balls with a surprise inside.
Coloring the dough forms the rainbow in this fun, pistachio edges cookie.
This recipe starts with an enhanced cake mix, is studded with pistachios, and topped with a pistachio whipped cream frosting.
These cookies have a few favorite treats baked in them.
No mint in this refreshing poke cake, lime adds the green color.

Don't worry, I've got the rest of the day covered too:

20 Recipes for St. Patrick's Day, Meal Time | graphic created by, featured on, and property of www.BakingInATornado.com | #recipes #MyGraphics

Pistachio crusted and pan sauteed, cod is such an easy, light dinner. The crunchy pistachio coating adds flavor and texture to this naturally mild fish.

Drizzled with a flavorful marinade and grilled. Cabbage never tasted so good!

A simple Irish quick bread, enhanced with the flavor and crunch of pistachios.

Noodles are baked with hot sausage, vegetables, and cheese. I serve them with a salad, or as a side dish with dinner.

My take on a classic St. Patrick's Day dinner.
A beef option to a classic soup. Using the slow cooker makes this hearty soup simple to make.

Dr. Seuss inspired breakfast is a fun way to start off your celebration of green.

What's St. Patrick's Day without a cocktail?

This flavorful side dish is made using just the microwave.

Stuffed with a cream cheese filling and pan fried with a pistachio crust, this breakfast is a treat.

Hope you're not too full. Rumor has it there's a pot 'o gold out there somewhere with your name on it.

Happy hunting!

Baking In A Tornado signature | www.BakingInATornado.com | #MyGraphics


  1. Green food is always fun. My mom always made cabbage rolls to go with that corned beef and she would hide a dime in one of the cabbage rolls. Whoever got it was supposed to have good luck all year.

    1. I'd never heard of that, but what a great tradition.

  2. I made your Pistachio Soda Bread two or three years ago. This is a fun holiday for us, (we aren't Irish, either), because a close family member was born on St. Patricks Day. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

    1. Sounds like there are a few things to celebrate that day for your friend.

  3. It's going to take me several years of St. Patrick's Days to work my way through your list, but i'll give it a try.

    Our favorite way to celebrate, being Protestants and all, is to go to the synagogue across the highway and buy their corned beef sandwiches that they always sell for 3 days in March (including on St. Paddy's) as a fundraiser.

  4. I only cook meat a couple of times a year. St. Patrick's Day is one of them, when I make a big corned beef, cabbage, potato, and carrot boiled dinner. However, I really prefer the broth-seasoned vegetables to the meat.

  5. Ohmyword, this is amazing! Literally everything from soup to nuts! Sharing...

  6. We spent 14 days in Ireland last October. While the food was great, I was disappointed to find out they do not eat corned beef there. It appears that corned beef was eaten in America by the Irish immigrants because it was a cheaper cut of meat that they could afford.
    All that aside, I will be enjoying corned beef and cabbage this year because it's what we do!
    Your recipes look great!

    1. We do too, although, as my recipe title says, where I come from we call it New England Boiled dinner.


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