Friday, July 14, 2023

Five Js, Four Ways: Use Your Words


Ham & Chicken Biscuit Sandwiches | recipe developed by Karen of | #recipe #sandwich

Today’s post is a monthly writing challenge. If you’re new here, this is how it works: my friend Diane and I picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases to submit to each other to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once. Both posts will be unique as we each have our own set of words we're working with.

At the end of this post, you'll find the link to Diane's post, be sure to check it out, see what words I sent her and how she used them.

I'm using: jeopardy ~ jump ~ jeer ~ jeep ~ julienne

I could hear yelling, jeering from the open rear door of the restaurant as I pulled up to pick up my best friend after her first day at work. "Quick," she said as she jumped in my jeep," get me out of here, if that crazy head chef tells me to julienne one more zucchini, it'll be more than just my fingers that will be in jeopardy.

Five Js, Four Ways, a Use Your Words blog writing challenge | graphic designed by, featured on, and property of Karen of | #blogging #MyGraphics

With the angry crowd jeering behind him, a jeep filled with armed soldiers heading for him, and a cliff in front of him, the scene clearly showed he was in jeopardy. Time to jump. And if he did it right, he thought, he wouldn't end up in as many pieces as a julienned carrot. "Be a stunt man they said," he muttered under his breath, "it'll be fun, they said . . ."

Five Js, Four Ways, a Use Your Words blog writing challenge | graphic designed by, featured on, and property of Karen of | #blogging #MyGraphics

"Julianne! Julien!" mom called to the twins, "come help with these sandwiches." Nothing. "You know your jeep privileges are in jeopardy if you continue to ignore me," she added. "Sorry we didn't jump when you called, mother dear," Julien called out, admittedly in a more jeering and less loving teenaged tone. Knowing they needed the jeep to get to the party that night, Julianne was more conciliatory: "we'll do anything." "One condition," Julien clarified, "Julianne and Julien do not julienne."

Ham & Chicken Biscuit Sandwiches | recipe developed by Karen of | #recipe #sandwich

Ham & Chicken Biscuit Sandwiches

She was exhausted as she took her place in the mini kitchen assigned to her. It was the last day of the amateur cooks competition, knife skills, and she'd been up all night hearing in her head the snooty judges jeer her as they scrutinized her skills. It didn't help her nerves that the damn jeep wouldn't start again and she had to jump in an Uber. Beginning with the carrot at her station, she cut, knowing she had to get this, only that one knife skill, the julienne, put her in jeopardy. She needed that prize money or no new car. It wasn't until the timer went off that she looked around at the other contestants and realized that they had started the competition today with the dice . . .


Use Your Words, a monthly group writing challenge | developed by and graphic property of | #bloggingchallenge #MyGraphics
Here's the link to Diane's Use Your Words post:

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Ham & Chicken Biscuit Sandwiches

1 can (8 count) refrigerated biscuit dough
4 slices Swiss cheese
3 TBSP stoneground mustard
4 TBSP mayonnaise
2 tsp maple syrup
1 package (12 oz) cooked boneless ham steak (I use leftovers of my Marinated Grilled Ham Steak)
3 cooked boneless chicken breasts (I use leftovers of my White Wine Mustard Chicken)

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook the for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and turn the oven off.
*Separate the biscuits, removing the top 1/3 of the layers and set these tops aside. Place each biscuit bottom on a piece of lightly greased tin foil, large enough to encase the biscuit once the sandwich is made.
*Cut each slice of cheese into quarters. Place one quarter on each biscuit bottom.
*Whisk together the mustard, mayonnaise, and maple syrup. Spread about 1 TBSP onto each sandwich.
*Cut the ham steak in half, then cut each half in quarters. Place one piece onto each of the sandwiches. Slice the chicken and divide onto the sandwiches, top with the remaining cheese slices, then the biscuit tops. Wrap each sandwich completely with the tin foil.
*Turn the oven back on to 325 degrees. Place the sandwiches onto a baking sheet and heat for 20 minutes.


  1. I had rather make and eat your Biscuit Sandwiches, than julienne a carrot. I don’t know how. Donna

  2. Just a nice story collection that won't jam you into jeopardy. I just can't julienne a carrot or anything else, in a jeep or anywhere else.

  3. Brilliant! Love it!
    A little alliteration now and then is a good thing! ;)

  4. I have one of those peelers that Julienne vegetables for me so that I don't have to sit there and try and cut everything up small myself. It saves so much time that biscuit sandwich looks really good though.

    1. Very smart. I julienne so infrequently that I never think of getting one.

  5. I am good at eating food but no so good at making it and baking has never been a strong point for me but my cooking was always edible and didn't make one sick which goes a long way

    1. Yes, that would work for me, put somethng edible on the table and call it a success.

  6. Wonderfully done! These are creative and clever.

  7. I like this idea of getting someone out of their workplace. I used to pick up a bf from his workplace and we'd talk about work while eating leftover icecream with cinnanom sauce.

  8. I love these challenges! This was a good one.


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