Monday, July 8, 2019

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake: Tell Your Story Blog With Friends

Today’s post is the next in our series of Blog With Friends themed collaborations. Each month a group of bloggers get together and each publish a project based on a theme. What I love about his partnership is that it's not bloggers with similar interests or strengths but a diverse group coming up with a variety of posts. In any given month we may a recipe, sewing tutorial, crocheting, crafts project, book review, and/or technology post all related to the theme of the month.

Blog With Friends, a multi-blogger project based post incorporating a theme| Featured on and graphic property of

This month's theme is Tell Your Story.

There will be individual project pictures and links to what everyone else has to offer at the end of my post, but here's a peek at what we all came up with:

Blog With Friends, a multi-blogger project based post incorporating a theme, Tell Your Story. | Featured on

I made an Orange Blueberry Cheesecake.

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake

"You do you". It's a catch phrase we hear often these days. It's a phrase of empowerment, a reminder that we don't all have to be the same, look the same, dress the same, think the same. When we are comfortable enough to be true to ourselves, to search out and be responsible for our own happiness, we actually do a favor to society in general. When we are more content, more comfortable in our own skin, we have more to offer those around us, and are more equipped to deal with stresses in a healthier way. 

Sadly, as happens with most sayings that catch on, it's overused, making it less relevant.

This month the Blog With Friends group chose Tell Your Story as our theme. And I like how this ties into the empowerment of "you do you". 

I have a lot of stories to tell and they all make up a piece of who I am. The one I'm representing here today is the story of my baking, my recipe development and how it has saved my (emotional) life.

Part of who I am is genetics, part is learned behavior and part is the paths I've chosen. As far a genetics go, there is a lot of anxiety in my family. I try not to dwell on it, but in a very big way it is destroying some of my dreams. In the realm of learned behavior, my mom is an amazing baker. Every holiday she is asked to bring baked goods and she never fails to impress. Bigly. Those two components marry in the path I've chosen. 

I started baking just as snacks for my boys. But the more I baked, the more kids came around to see what I'd made next. At some point I realized that they expected it and I enjoyed it. My posting food pics on my FB page is what initially motivated some of my friends to encourage me to start this blog.

As times got tough, and tougher, as happens in life, I found solace in baking. The recipe development kept my mind active, the concentration required to bake took my thoughts from stresses and the end results, the smiles on my family's faces served to boost my self esteem. So for today's Tell Your Story post, I've baked. I chose cheesecake because we all love it, and I chose fresh fruit to represent this spring/summertime, my favorite time of year.

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert 

I, of course, started with some ingredients. I was feeling playful so I chose Kool-Aid and crushed candy to add the orange flavor.

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert 

It mixes up quickly in the stand mixer, 

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert 

then I gently fold in the fresh blueberries.

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert 

Going in the oven.

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert 

Coming out.

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert 

All dressed up for company.

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake, bursting with orange flavor and studded with fresh blueberries. | Recipe developed by | #recipe #dessert 


As always, any time you make one of my recipes, feel free to post a picture of it to my Baking In A Tornado Facebook Page. I'd love to see it!

Be sure to visit all of this month's other Blog With Friends projects:

Blog With Friends, a multi-blogger project based post incorporating a theme, Tell Your Story. | Tell Your Story! Nobody Else Can . . . by Melissa of My Heartfelt Sentiments | Featured on 

Melissa of My Heartfelt Sentiments shares Tell Your Story! Nobody Else Can . . .

Blog With Friends, a multi-blogger project based post incorporating a theme, Tell Your Story. | Me by Jules of The Bergham Chronicles | Featured on 

Jules of The Bergham Chronicles shares Me.
Blog With Friends, a multi-blogger project based post incorporating a theme, Tell Your Story. | The Story of Me by Dawn of Spatulas on Parade | Featured on 

Dawn of Spatulas on Parade shares The Story of Me

Blog With Friends, a multi-blogger project based post incorporating a theme, Tell Your Story. | Anniversary Memory Book by Lydia of Cluttered Genius | Featured on 

Lydia of Cluttered Genius shares how to make an Anniversary Memory Book

Blog With Friends, a multi-blogger project based post incorporating a theme, Tell Your Story. | Story Cubes by Tamara of Part-time Working Hockey Mom | Featured on 

Tamara of Part-time Working Hockey Mom shares her Story Cubes.

Baking In A Tornado signature | | #MyGraphics

Orange Blueberry Cheesecake

Printable Recipe

2 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 TBSP sugar
6 TBSP butter, melted

2 1/2 packages (20 oz total) cream cheese, roo temperature
3/4 cup sugar
10 small orange hard candies, finely crushed
1/2 tsp orange Kool-Aid powder
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup heavy cream
3 eggs, room temperature
1 heaping cup blueberries

2 TBSP blueberry preserves
1 TBSP orange liqueur or orange juice

OPT: addition blueberries and/or mandarin orange slices for garnish

*Grease a 9 inch springform pan. On the outside of the pan, wrap a sheet of tin foil around the bottom and partially up the sides of the pan. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

*Mix together the graham cracker crumbs, 2 TBSP sugar and butter. Press into and partially up the sides of the springform pan.
*Beat the cream cheese, sugar, crushed candies and Kool-Aid powder until smooth. Beat in the sour cream and heavy cream, then the eggs, one at a time. Gently fold in the blueberries.
*Pour into prepared crust and bake for 60 - 75 minutes, until the center is just set. 
*Remove from oven and allow to cool. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
*Gently run a knife around the cheesecake before removing the side of the pan. Mix together the blueberry preserves and the orange liqueur or orange juice. Gently spread over the cheesecake. Garnish with blueberries and/or mandarin orange sliced.
*Store leftovers, covered, in refrigerator.


  1. This is fascinating! I am so in awe of your capabilities. I could never take a bunch of random ingredients & concoct anything that would be even remotely edible! I just don't have that talent in me. (Rena)

    1. It's in you. Now just to figure out how to get it out . . .

  2. Baking or Cooking is such a rewarding activity. It cleanses the mind and brings joy and of course nourishment. I am with you! I love your recipes that combine candy and alcohol that never would I think to put together and then like this one, the wild card, Kool Aid!

    1. Love those wild cards, they keep the game interesting.

  3. The fact that you're like, "Hmm, let me see. I shall use this and this and this..." astounds me! <3

    1. It only astounds you because I only publish the successes, not the fails.

  4. We are very much alike. Cooking/baking has always brought me great joy and fulfilled my need to succeed and my anxiety of failure. My recipes prompted friends to beg me to share. So the blog was born. AND here we are 7 years later. You know seven is the number of perfection. LOL not sure I'm anywhere near that with baking or life but I am more relaxed and less stressed.
    I love the cheesecake and genius idea to use Kool-Aid! Would not have thought of that but now will have to try it of course.
    Do you bake your cheesecake in a water bath? Or just low heat?
    Spatulas On Parade

    1. No water bath. Many people do but I just never have and it always seems to come out.

  5. I love how baking is your "retreat" and allows you to just be you!
    Orange and blueberry sounds like a refreshing combination, plus they are positioned opposite one another on the color wheel.

    PS: Did I really read "bigly" in your post?

    1. Yes, "bigly" is in there, and yes, I knew you'd catch it!

  6. This. Is. Awesome! I love hearing more about you!
    And that cheesecake is divine!

    1. You're pretty divine yourself, Diane. Another book coming out, I hear?

  7. Kool-Aid! I think back to the gallons of Kool-Aid I drank as a kid, and my Mom (this was back when there was only the small packets without sugar) would not put the entire 1 cup of sugar the package directions called for into the Kool-Aid because..well, sugar cost money! What's even funnier is that soda was rarely in the house. It was a treat. But Kool-Aid was always around (along with watered down Hawaiian Punch - another childhood memory.) I couldn't imagine how much our local supermarket would charge for a cheesecake like this. The fruit on top really makes it fancy Alana

    1. I grew up with more lemonade than kool aid, but I do like adding it to recipes for a punch of flavor.

  8. How beautifully you've written this post- "you do you". Honestly I agree to each of the words you have written above! We are all different, and we must celebrate that difference, that uniqueness of who we are or what we do- differently! Sometimes your posts are so inspiring and enlightening and I respect your opinions. I am definitely going to bookmark this piece of Inspiration.

    As you mention that you find solace, you find your life happy and happening when you bake and write and share. And I could relate to this so much! I find absolute peace when I read, write, and do my photography. That's what makes me.

    So please continue doing what you love and keep sharing with us <3



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